The Nursing Now Challenge & Sabin Vaccine Institute announce winners of storytelling challenge
Last month, in partnership with the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Immunization Advocates programme we launched a new challenge as part of the Nursing Now Challenge Global Solutions Initiative to elevate the voices and perspectives of nurses and midwives with the aim of influencing discussions and decisions on vaccine equity and acceptance at local, national and global levels. Today, we are delighted to announce the winners of the challenge.
Our winners have started a six-week training course led by a leading storytelling and leadership trainer Dr. Pedja Stojicic Executive Director of People Power Health in preparation to share their story during the Sabin Vaccine Institute session at the ICN Congress, 2nd – 4th November, on nursing leadership in vaccine equity and acceptance. Winners also receive $1,000 prize money to develop their advocacy ideas with the aim of promoting vaccine equity and acceptance.
“Nurses and midwives deliver the majority of health services around the world and are crucial gatekeepers for families and communities to make informed decisions about vaccines and immunizations,” said Vince Blaser, director of Sabin’s Immunization Advocates initiative. “As policymakers make decisions about COVID-19 vaccine rollouts and routine immunization campaigns, nurses and midwives’ stories can help lead the push for vaccine equity and acceptance in all communities.”
The winners of this challenge are:
Amy, United States
Amy Staley is a Staff Nurse working on an Orthopedic/Vascular Medical Surgical unit at NYP/Weill Cornell. As a Charge Nurse, Preceptor, and Co-Chair of the Nursing Communications Committee, Amy enjoys engaging with other nurses from diverse backgrounds.
Amy is the 2021 Nursing Clinical Excellence Award: Rising Star at NYP/Weill Cornell and recently began her master’s degree in advanced clinical leadership and management at Columbia University.
“I was humbled and honored to hear that I had been selected as a winner of this NNCGSI storytelling challenge. Over this past month in particular, I have seen a huge division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated members of my community in the United States of America. Through this challenge, I hope to achieve unity, camaraderie and increased vaccination rates for my fellow Americans. I am beyond grateful to the Nursing Now Challenge and the Sabin Vaccine Institute for amplifying my voice and the voices of my fellow nurses around the world.”
Mohamed, Sudan
Mohamed Modber is a Community Health Nurse, Young Nurse Leader, Researcher and global health advocator.
“I couldn’t imagine that I would be among the winner’s of the NNCGSI storytelling challenge, I’m so excited that finally, my dreams of serving and advocating for the nursing profession have come true. I believe I will be able to make a positive impact and the storytelling and advocacy training will help me to improve vaccine acceptance in my country.”
Mpho, Lesotho
Mpho Shelile is a nurse-midwife currently working as a lecturer at the National University of Lesotho.
“I am [a] solution-orientated nurse, and I aspire to be part of a team that implements national health policies for economic growth and social development. I was surprised that I was considered for this award. I humbly express my utmost gratitude to the Nursing Now Challenge and the Sabin Vaccine Institute. I plan to support my colleagues to work in the communities with versatility and effective engagement skills to address issues relating to COVID-19 vaccine acceptance.”
Rashid, Malawi
Rashid Mang’anda is a registered nurse working at the Phalombe District Hospital. Rashid is the district coordinator for Maternal and Child Health programme. He is also the COVID-19 surveillance and response focal person. He co-founded a community charity organisation for the elderly – Centre for Elderly Support-Malawi.
“I am so delighted to be among the few winners of this NNCGSI. I will use this opportunity to improve Covid 19 vaccine uptake in Malawi.”
Rose, Uganda
Rose Nakame is a registered nurse and the Executive director of REMI East Africa, a health equity NGO.
“When I heard the news I could not believe it. I thanked God and knew that this was beyond me. It is about those we have worked with so far to collect stories, hospitals that have kept the doors open and stakeholders including the Nursing Now Challenge and the Sabin Vaccine Institute. It displays a growing commitment to listen, recognise those with whom the patients spend the most time, and utilise their expertise to strengthen the health system.”
Shagul, Iraq
Shagul Hassan is a nurse from Erbil, Iraq. She is currently studying for her master’s degree.
“I am thrilled, delighted and very proud to be offered a position in the storytelling and advocacy training. I am grateful for the Nursing Now Challenge and The Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Immunization Advocates programme. I am confident that the training will help me to better advocate for vaccine equity and acceptance.”
Rafiat, Nigeria
Rafiat Akinokun is a registered nurse and midwife working in Ilorin, Nigeria to deliver immunisation and maternal and child health services.
“I feel excited and honored to have won this challenge. Through my advocacy, knowledge, experience, I hope to inspire other young nurses to take up leadership roles to improve vaccine equity wherever they are.”