Nurses key to tackling FGS
This Friday, 14th October at 3 pm (BST) the Nursing Now Challenge, in collaboration with the FAST Package will hold a webinar as part of its new Nursing Now Challenge Global Solutions Initiative that encourages nurses and midwives to reflect on ways that they can raise awareness of Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) through an existing programme, platform or service within their communities.
Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) affects an estimated 56 million women and girls globally. It is a severely neglected women’s health issue, largely because awareness of the disease in endemic areas is very low and it is not included in training of health workers. Misdiagnosis is common as symptoms often mimic those of a sexually transmitted infection. Awareness raising is key to tackling this disease and can be achieved at every level of the health system as well as in communities affected. Take up the challenge and help us to end the neglect.
The winner of this challenge will win $500 and 3 months of mentoring support from Ruth Allotey, a registered nurse, practicing since 2002 with qualifications in Public Health. Ruth is passionate about women’s health issues including FGS. She has benefitted from training on FGS organised by the Geneva Learning Foundation and the FAST package. Awareness creation and social mobilisation are her major areas of focus.
During Friday’s webinar, we will be joined by Sedonia, registered nurse and coordinator for Adolescent Health and Comprehensive Abortion Care, Ghana; as well as Edith, Senior Nursing Officer at Bimbila Municipal Hospital located in the Northern Region of Ghana. Both Sedonia and Edith are FGS experts and will share their experiences and expertise during the session.