“Boost”- ing vaccination rates
This blog was written by Rita Akiki, Nursing Director, Aboujaoude Hospital, Lebanon.
I’m excited to share with you my experience as a learner in the programme “Advanced Training in Community Activation for Immunization Professionals”. This course is delivered by the Sabine Vaccine Institute’s Boost Community and People Power Health.
During this 14-week online fellowship, I have had the opportunity to focus on building, developing and deepening my leadership skills. This course is geared to strengthening collaboration to achieve advocacy and community activation goals.
My learning journey has spanned the five key leadership practices: public narrative, relationship building, structure, strategy and action. Throughout this amazing programme I have been able to strengthen my capability to communicate values through stories, bringing the motivation necessary for change to life.
I feel confident in building relationships to develop power and bonds needed to articulate and act on achieving collective interests. I’m oriented towards teamwork and turning resources into power to fulfill common goals.
With a focused strategy, I can design an entire process of SMART actions deploying a framework to grow influence within the community, particularly with regards to vaccination acceptance.
Thanks to this course, I feel more confident and powerful. I’m capable to support other colleagues to overcome challenges.
We are facing huge challenges on a daily basis, particularly the emergence of new communicable diseases that could be prevented through routine vaccination. But, parental refusal of vaccines is growing. This reality is a concern for the health of the children and the fight against illnesses. Education is a key player in equipping parents with the necessary information so that they can make responsible decisions for their children.
Every nurse needs to be prepared to communicate with parents and to educate them. So, I urge all colleagues to advocate for vaccination to overcome those illnesses and to promote wellbeing among the communities that we serve.
Finally, I deeply appreciate being a member of this learning community and I invite you to join the Boost Community. Click here to learn more about Boost.