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Western Pacific

Western Pacific Board Members

Debra Thoms

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health, School of Nursing

Queensland University of Technology

Country: Australia


Dr Shin Kyung-Rim

President, Korean Nurses Association

Country: Republic of Korea

Challengers’ Committee: Western Pacific Hub Leads


Hazel Vera Tan

Country: Philippines


Tsung- Po Huang

Country: Taiwan


IBIS Care Aged Care

There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Residential Aged Care Facility. Challenging status quo and seeking opportunity to empowered registered and endorsed enrolled nurses in gaining higher perspective regarding the care of the elderly by leading strong clinical understanding and knowledge applications. In line with Aged Care Quality and Royal Commission expectations of the elderly care. Making strong connections.

Southern Cross University

There are 1000 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Southern Cross University nurse academics and students are deeply committed to social accountability and addressing the health needs of our communities locally and globally. We deliver high quality education programs to produce the next generation of nurses and health professionals. Our research aims to improve health care, influence global healthcare and generate new knowledge for the future. We are eager to join this global community of practice and can provide mentorship and build collaborations, share learning and ideas with experienced nurses and enthusiastic students.

Australian Catholic University

There are 500 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

ACU’s peer-to-peer mentoring program aims to increase student satisfaction by creating a range of student activities that will support them through the three distinct phases of their study with mentoring, tutoring, and community-building programs. It is being rolled out in three phases: Phase 1: Pre-enrolment and early offer acceptance (November 2021 – February 2022) Phase 2: Pre-census student engagement and university life transition (February – March 2022) Phase 3: Post-census transitioning to BAU support programs (April – June 2022)

University of Southern Queensland

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Western Local Health District – Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Succession training within the organisation Offering education for leadership as it occurs Updating orientation packages and offering online Mentoring and peer coachingoo

St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Clinical Leadership and Development Programs Speciality Practice Programs Transformational Leadership and Frontline Management & Development Programs

The Office of the Chief Nurse and Midwife – Department of Health Tasmania

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The International Practice Development School will be offered to a cohort of identified nurses and midwives and hosted by members of PD Tas under the auspices of the International Practice Development Collaborative. The School creates active engagement through interactive workshops and active learning processes. The foci for the 5-day program are: • Values clarification; • Evidence, effectiveness and evaluation; • Workplace culture; • Facilitation, reflection and active learning; and • Processes of person-centredness and practice development. This key initiative will be align with succession planning strategies within Health Workforce 2040, Tasmania’s policy direction for health workforce.

Nursing and Midwifery Office – SA Health

There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Office will be providing targeted leadership and management training to our nursing and midwifery unit managers as well as their associates in the form a 12 month bespoke leadership program focusing on skill development in leading themselves and others as well as fundamental business management practices. The Office will also be providing Masterclasses on leadership and management to compliment this program.

Western Local Health District – Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Succession training within the organisation Offering education for leadership as it occurs Updating orientation packages and offering online Mentoring and peer coaching

Queensland Health

There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Queensland, Australia has accepted the Nightingale Challenge 2020! At least 20 nurses and midwives from across our vast state will participate in a six-month integrated leadership and management program known as Manage4Improvement or M4I. This highly interactive program will build the confidence and capabilities of nurses and midwives to support improvements to health service delivery. It focuses on the development of the management and leadership skills nurses and midwives require to create and support a culture of innovation, improvement and enhanced patient outcomes. A variety of experiential learning activities will be utilised including face to face workshops, a profiling assessment tool, the development and implementation of a robust improvement project, and collaborative peer triangles. Across the six months participants will explore themes such as leading and managing change, quality and service improvement, evaluating health service delivery, finance and budget management, stakeholder engagement, and political astuteness. The Queensland M4I Nightingale Challenge program will be facilitated by a mix of highly experienced internal and external facilitators who are industry experts in leadership, management and improvement science. There will also be the opportunity for senior nursing and midwifery leaders to nominate as mentors to support the Nightingale Challenge participants in their journey.

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

There are 300 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

"The SCGH Centre for Nursing Education (CNE) Core Leadership Pathway Program represents the skills, knowledge and attributes all nurses need to develop to advance their careers regardless of professional stream (clinical, education, management or research). Education and training opportunities in the CNE Core Leadership Pathway Program form a scaffold of knowledge and skills that individual nurses may use to plan and map their professional development progress in regard to leadership. SCGH will additionally commit to running a local Nursing Policy Leadership Program onsite through the ICN."

St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Clinical Leadership and Development Programs Speciality Practice Programs Transformational Leadership and Frontline Management & Development Programs

Australian College of Nursing

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is the pre-eminent and national leader of the nursing profession and a community of dynamic and passionate nurses. We are committed to our intent of advancing nurse leadership to enhance the health care of all Australians.

Northern NSW Local Health District

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Northern NSW Local Health District will facilitate an Emerging Leaders Program for nurses and midwives under the age of 35. This newly developed 12-month program will enhance the knowledge and skills of staff who wish to become recognised leaders in their fields. The program aims to introduce participants to both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of leadership in the health care environment. It also enables participants to develop important relationships with senior leaders within the District and will encourage participants to maintain those relationships and further develop their skills to continue their career progression. Utilising a multi-modal format, the program exposes participants to online learning, face to face leadership labs, direct observations of leaders in the field, coaching and mentoring, and active reflection. The 4 core elements of the program are: 1. Developing self- focussed around knowledge and skills of personal leadership 2. Engaging and influencing others- focussed around team building and leading teams 3. Mastering Systems- focussed around systems that impact and assist leaders 4. Transforming Cultures- focussed around change management and culture development for leaders in their chosen fields/ workplaces

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

There are 55 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Last year marked the high point of 150 years of professional nursing in Australia. In 1868 Lucy Osburn and five other ‘Nightingale’ trained nurses arrived at Sydney Hospital, where the first school of nursing education was established. South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) currently covers a large geographical area of 468kms, and has nine facilities located across the district. There are over 5,000 nurses and midwives employed across these facilities. SESLHD has a strong commitment to develop nursing and midwifery leaders of the future and has a broad suite of leadership programs that will be offered to participants of The Nightingale Challenge 2020. The programs aim to meet the needs of the participants personal and leadership development, and improve knowledge of the wider organisation. The programs range from short one or two day leadership development workshops to more long term twelve month programs that have an academic structure. A sample of some of the programs on offer are:- Effective Leadership Program 12 month program with academic structure Clinical Leadership Program 12 month program with academic structure Future Nurse Unit Manager Program 12 month program with mentoring and shadowing Institute of Health Care Improvement 2 on line learning modules Emerging Leaders Program One day workshop Heart of Caring Leadership Teams One day workshop with follow – up coaching

The Office of the Chief Nurse and Midwife – Department of Health Tasmania

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The International Practice Development School will be offered to a cohort of identified nurses and midwives and hosted by members of PD Tas under the auspices of the International Practice Development Collaborative. The School creates active engagement through interactive workshops and active learning processes. The foci for the 5-day program are: • Values clarification; • Evidence, effectiveness and evaluation; • Workplace culture; • Facilitation, reflection and active learning; and • Processes of person-centredness and practice development. This key initiative will be align with succession planning strategies within Health Workforce 2040, Tasmania’s policy direction for health workforce.

Nursing and Midwifery Office NSW

There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We currently are supporting 15 nurses and midwives that will complete a leadership program in Dec 2020. There are other leadership initiatives that we will be embarking on next year that will support the leadership challenge

Western Sydney Local Health District

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Development and implementation of a Nursing & Midwifery Leadership Program for emerging nursing and midwifery leaders.

Hunter New England Local Health District

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Early Career Nurse Forum, October 22nd

Child and Adolescent Health Service

There are 200 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Child and Adolescent Health Service, Western Australia has accepted the Nightingale Challenge 2020! To advance nursing leadership at all levels, a suite of leadership development initiatives has been tailored to enhance the leadership qualities and skills of registered nurses, clinical nurses and senior registered nurses at various stages of career, professional and personal development from across the organisation. The suite of initiatives will include mentorship, a Specialist Nurses masterclass series and an emerging leaders program for early career nurses. Each distinct initiative will form the greater CAHS Nursing Leadership Development Program which will coincide with the organisations commitment to participate in the Nightingale Challenge.

Central Adelaide Local Health Network

There are 300 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Nursing and Midwifery Council of New South Wales

There are 16 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Barwon Health

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Royal Perth Bentley Group

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The RPBG plan to participate by educating nurses and midwives in human centred design thinking, Nexus - 'human factors training', tapping into the onsite wellbeing programs, mentorship, coaching, leadership in action and leadership skills development.

Eastern Health

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Eastern Health will support 20 junior nurses/midwives to undertake a 2 day leadership training program in 2020

Western Health

There are 90 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

At Western Health we are offering ongoing leadership development programs: - Transforming Leadership Capability program (aimed at Nurse Unit Managers) - 1 program (32 hours) x 30 participants - Advancing Frontline Leadership program (aimed at entry leave managers, specifically Associate Nurse Unit Managers) - 4 programs (32 hours) x 30 participants - Nurse Educator leadership program - 1 progarm (32 hours) x 25 participants - Working Together pilot program - 10 unit managers involved. - ACN Mid-Career Leadership program - 4 participants. Total of 189 nursing leaders undertaking formal leadership development

Regal Home Health

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Our goals are to engage and inspire Nurses to be valued for their lifelong commitment to learning and using research for their practice. We at Regal provide expert clinical education for a range of specialties including value based primary health and care. For 2020 we also seek to formalise health literacy education for consumers

Healthcare Abbotsford Private Hospital

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Cancer Nurses Society of Australia

There are 24 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Cancer Nurses Society of Australia will be offering a full day Values Based Leadership workshop to nurses attending the 2020 CNSA Annual Congress in June in Brisbane Australia.

Southern Cross Care

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

NursePrac Australia

There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

I have 4 nurses Studying to be nurse practitioners who are doing clinical placements with me this year. 2 are under 35 and 2 are older.

Mater Misericordiae Hospital Mackay

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


Pengshan district people’s hospital , Meishan

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Community health promotion strategies and health management are effective measures and methods for stroke risk prevention. At present, there is no effective management of high-risk communities in the country,.Nurses play an very important role in improving the form and content of health promotion strategies. This project intends to train 20 nurses under 35 years old to provide education and publicity on stroke prevention knowledge for high-risk groups in the community, and training in stroke risk management capabilities, including a baseline survey of stroke knowledge, beliefs, and health behaviors of high-risk groups , and screening of high-risk groups of stroke, Stroke risk factors assessment, stroke prevention plan and implementation of interventions, formats includes:training courses, lectures, community practice and workshops.Perform Public health training related to stroke diseases, guide the establishment of stroke care consultation clinics, and determine it’s the consultation content. At last ,establish stroke health promotion association to improve the management ability of nurses at high risk of stroke and the level of stroke prevention knowledge in the community.

The Second People’s Hospital of Shenzhen ENT Department

There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We are planning to call on otolaryngology nurses from all over the city to join in the activity and set up a social organization to help patients with swallowing disorders. Help those with swallowing problems recover faster and improve their quality of life. At the same time, through publicizing healthy knowledge,we could play a more important role in social health area.

Henan Honliv hospital

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Vision: to become a first-class nursing team in China, to meet international standards and reach international level;It has become one of the "thought source" and "power source" of nursing development at home and abroad.  Mission: to improve patient outcomes, promote national health, cultivate nursing talents, promote discipline development, and embody the value of nursing;Pass on the culture of nursing.  Value: kindness, responsibility, ability, love, honesty, diligence, carefulness and humanity.

Pengshan district people’s hospital , Meishan

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

wuhan general hospital of the central war zone

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

In order to cross the bottleneck for the development of modern nursing ,dedicated to the advancement of the nursing workers social status ,mobilize nursing forces around the world,for help,sharing and mutual assistance ,to form a chain of circulatory system, service in all walks of life,prevention first,carry out health education pattern, all over the world in-depth all walks of life,both phase type and the closed ioop type management,quantitative change to qualitative change to qualitative change, to the health of the human struggle for life.

Shenzhen Nurses Association

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Dysphagia is the inability to safely and effectively transport food to the stomach due to structural and/or functional impairment of the lower jaw, lips, tongue, soft palate, larynx, esophagus and other organs. Studies have shown that ENT patients with dysphagia are not only affected by the recovery of their swallowing function, but also prone to different degrees of complications due to the lack of correct guidance and training during hospitalization and after discharge. Our challenge team plans to evaluate swallowing function for ENT patients including acute epiglottitis, OSAHS, after laryngeal cancer surgery and severe facial paralysis, using the EAT-10, Kubota drinking water test, V-VST assessment tools, etc. For those people at high risk, we will do targeted nursing, including the training of oral care, giving propaganda and guidance of preventing aspiration, providing swallowing rehabilitation related health education and continuing care, etc. The expected objectives of our activity include: 1. Satisfy the individual needs of patients. 2. Establish and improve evidence-based nursing of screening and nursing intervention standards for patients with ENT problems. 3. Establish a swallowing disorder management team with interdisciplinary professionals including speech therapists, clinicians, nurses, physiotherapists, radiologists, dietitians, social workers, psychotherapists, family members or caregivers, chefs, etc. 4. Provide leadership and development training for the next generation of nurses, empower them as leaders, practitioners, and advocates in health. As participants of the nightingale challenge, we look forward to embarking on a new journey with colleagues around the world.

Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The training program will cost at least 6 months. Now, we are working hard to improve training plan. We will implement the following plans. ☆Invite leaders of Health to communicate with the participants so that they have a chance to learn about the policy making process and share their experiences at the front line. ☆Purchase access to an existing online learning course for personal, management or leadership development - tailored specifically for nurses and midwives, or more general. ☆Initiate a rolling program and provide opportunities for participants to rotate to various departments in the hospital. ☆Pair nurses and midwives with executive mentors. ☆Ask each participant to conduct a program (such as a quality improvement initiative) . Participants keep a learning log, regularly report back on progress and share their learning with others.


Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing

There are 650 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

First Leadership Development Programme Nightingale Challenges: Post-Covid-19 era dialogue with next generations Purpose: To develop young nursing leaders with a global perspective Contents; International speakers involved in nursing education, research, and practice will present topics and discuss issues related to the role of the nursing profession in health and welfare in the post-Covid-19 era for next generation (Postgraduate students and young nurses). Web-based 20 seminars include infection control & health promotion, multicultural competence for globalization, etc. Period; September 2020 to June 2021. Second Leadership Development Programme Next is a learning platform for nurses, midwifes and students. There are 23 different leadership stories. You may be touched and learn from them.

Japanese Nursing Association

There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

JNA has been conducted a series of nursing policy development training program for our staff to carry out duties related to the planning and implementation of nursing policy as staff of JNA. This plan is a part of the nursing policy development training program and new addition program in order to further strengthen leadership development capacity. We plan to make a series of video clip featuring experts in leadership positions in a wide range of fields. At first, we will begin with 10 speakers and will consider continue to post. Main contents are as follows. Ÿ   What skills and knowledge are needed for leadership to drive change? Ÿ   The rewards and difficulties of being involved in policy Ÿ   The significance, value and expectations of the nurses' involvement in policy Ÿ   The need for nursing to develop health policy



There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

No chief complaint


Mongolian Academy of Nursing Science

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, School of Nursing

New Zealand

Hawke’s Bay District Health Board

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Leadership Development is well recognised as an essential component of safe and effective care, improved staff satisfaction, succession planning and staff retention. The Leading an Empowered Organisation (LEO) Programme is used worldwide and is a mixture of evidence-based input, practical exercises, storytelling and reflection, most of which are discipline specific. The LEO Programme is a three (3) day programme with a one (1) day follow-up about 2 – 3 months after completion of the course. Over 40 000 Nurses and Midwives have completed the course worldwide. LEO is a powerful three-day programme designed to develop confident, inspirational leaders, and for people in any organisation. LEO is based on principles of respect, dignity and empowerment. Hawke's Bay District Health Board nursing leadership team will be rolling out the LEO programme in 2020 and will run a specific cohort for the Nightingale Challenge.

Waikato Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Waikato Hospital's Nightingale Challenge we will be focusing on developing young nurses through the "Pebbles" programme. A Leadership development programme designed to promote clinical leadership for those wishing to remain in the clinical environment as well as those intending to move into formal leadership and mamagement positions. We will also be developing a Mentorship process for supporting nurses into more challenging and senior leadership roles.

West Coast District Health Board

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

West Coast District Health Board, Workforce Development Team have developed a plan to support 20 nurses across their organisation. 20 nurses will be selected by submitting an expression of interest or they may be nominated by a peer or senior colleague. These nurses will have identified a role that they aspire to or that their colleagues suggest they hold particular aptitude towards. The Workforce Development Team will work with each nurse, developing and supporting an individualised plan that may include a mix of formal study, activities to develop leadership, mentorship, buddying, opportunities to develop skills and knowledge relevant to their area of interest.

Capital and Coast District Health Board

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Capital and Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) acknowledges and recognises the impact and importance that the nursing and midwifery professions have within the health care system and would like to ensure that leadership and development is an opportunity that is well supported. The Chief Nursing Officer and the Nursing and Midwifery Leadership group at CCDHB will support and provide leadership development to a cohort of nurses and midwives across the sector (Primary, Community, Aged and Residential Care and Hospital and Health Services), as well as extending the invitation to Hutt Valley District Health Board (HVDHB) as part of the 2020 Nightingale Challenge. Up to 30 Nurses and Midwives will be selected to be a part of the Nightingale Challenge cohort. The leadership development programme offered is the Emerging Leaders Programme, designed for our future leaders and is intended as the first step for those at the beginning of their leadership development journey. This programme aims to provide an overview of leadership in a health context and participants will be able to reflect on their leadership styles and plan the next steps in their leadership journey.

Hawke’s Bay District Health Board

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Leadership Development is well recognised as an essential component of safe and effective care, improved staff satisfaction, succession planning and staff retention. The Leading an Empowered Organisation (LEO) Programme is used worldwide and is a mixture of evidence-based input, practical exercises, storytelling and reflection, most of which are discipline specific. The LEO Programme is a three (3) day programme with a one (1) day follow-up about 2 – 3 months after completion of the course. Over 40 000 Nurses and Midwives have completed the course worldwide. LEO is a powerful three-day programme designed to develop confident, inspirational leaders, and for people in any organisation. LEO is based on principles of respect, dignity and empowerment. Hawke's Bay District Health Board nursing leadership team will be rolling out the LEO programme in 2020 and will run a specific cohort for the Nightingale Challenge.

Nelson Marlborough Health

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Wairarapa District Health Board

There are 1 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The plan is to engage with a variety of activities. We will be sourcing a formal leadership course/programme, working with industry to enable non-clinical perceptions of leadership, providing a senior mentor and as we have a focus on equity, working with our Maori Health Unit on engagement with the Maori community as part of the programme.

Counties Manukau Health

There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

An annual programme of leadership development covering, clinical practice, education, policy, leadership/management and research/academic practice. We will work locally and regionally to develop this programme which will expose emerging leaders to a variety of opportunities to help them shape their careers.

Hutt Valley District Health Board

There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We are working with the Directors of Nursing from Capital and Coast District Health Board and Wairarapa District Health Board to deliver an ‘Emerging Leaders’ course for nurses and midwives. There will be 30 participants with placement equitable split across the three DHBs. Selection of Nurses and Midwives will be based on the following criteria: Are in non-senior designated roles Minimum 3 years post-registration experience in a clinical role Current on the Professional Development and Recognition Programme (PDRP) for Registered Nurses or Quality and Leadership programme (QLP) for Midwives Endorsed by line manager as an emerging leader Able to participate in two professional development days for emerging leaders (Sep – Oct) 35 years or younger Outcomes for the Nurses and Midwives Development as leaders Understand their leadership style and capability Participate in evaluation of this programme Have a professional development and career plan that reflects leadership at completion of the challenge The course will be run over Sept and October 2020.

Canterbury District Health Board

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) is the second largest DHB in New Zealand both geographically and by its population size. The CDHB covers an area of the East Coast of the South Island from Kaikoura District in the north, to Ashburton District in the south, as well as the Chatham Islands. It is responsible for the health of an estimated 567,870 people. Roughly 80 percent of this population lives in the greater Christchurch area, with the rest dispersed over a large geographical area. The CDHB owns and operates five major hospital facilities in Christchurch and Ashburton, and almost 30 smaller rural hospitals and community bases around the region. In addition to providing health services to its own population, CDHB provides many specialised services to people referred from other DHBs where these services are not available. Canterbury DHB is focused on creating a health system and community where people take greater responsibility for their own health, stay well in their homes and communities, and receive timely and appropriate care. Our Values are: Care and respect for others. Manaaki me te whakaute i te tangata. Integrity in all we do. Hāpai i ā mātou mahi katoa i runga i te pono. Responsibility for outcomes. Te Takohanga i ngā hua.​ The CDHB currently employees more than 5,400 nurses and we are excited to participate in the Nightingale Challenge

Southern District Health Board

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We are planning on having a range of opportunities for nurses to shadow nurse leaders across our health system in a variety of settings and roles e.g. hospital, education, primary care, aged residential care, rural etc. The emphasis will be on succession planning and growing future leaders. We will be working in collaboration with partners across our Southern Health System.

Southern Cross Hospitals Ltd

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Southern Cross Hospitals Ltd (SCHL) will identify a minimum of 10 nurses who are our emerging leaders across the network and co-design an individualised leadership development programme with them The programme will be tailored to the specific needs of both the nurse and the hospital/ organisation and may include some of the following: a. Attendance at the NZ Nursing and Midwifery Leaders’ summit b. Enrolment in PG study with a focus on leadership c. Shadowing a nurse leader for a set period of time d. Attendance at governance meetings (eg. SQRM/ HCMC/ NIPCC) e. Spend a day at National Office – meeting with leaders to discuss leadership and how the organisation works f. Visit other hospitals around the network experiencing the differences and similarities in leadership, management and nursing processes g. Enrolment in SCHL leadership development programmes

Pinnacle Midlands Health Network

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We are planning to offer a two day course over two separate days on nurses as leaders and managers to inspire our young nurses and identify those with real leadership potential. Course content will include: - basics of HR management - beliefs and values: how they shape us and the work we do - the difference between leadership and management - managing self and managing others - leading and managing clinical teams - interpersonal relationships and the need for EQ/EI - navigating politics : both small p and large P and how to influence -culture and its importance in organisations -change management theory and navigating change - resilience Between the two workshops, participants will undertake a small exercise and have the opportunity to shadow a leader; and be offered coaching or mentoring as appropriate

Nurse Maude

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Nurse Maude has been providing community based health services within the Canterbury region for more than 100 years. The organisation’s key role is enabling those needing health care to receive it in the community, either in their own homes or at one of the organisations community clinics, hospice or aged care facility rather than remain in a public hospital. The organisation’s values of Care, Partnership, Respect, Excellence and Integrity are strongly embedded within our culture. We aim to recruit approximately 5 nurses with at least 2 years post registration or enrolled experience. The programme will include; · Attendance at Collabor8 –A Lean Thinking and leadership Course. Collabor8 introduces the participant to the principles and tools of lean thinking, influencing change, culture and leadership, patient safety, personality styles and effective communication. It offers skills, confidence and permission to carry out an improvement initiative in the participant’s work area. · A panel discussion with our organisations leaders · Time to work with a leader on preparing a great CV and interview skills · Short secondment to another service to work within the team and observe leadership styles and culture

Waipuna Hospice

There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

1. Nursing staff will have a clearly defined development program that incorporates: • PDRP Program as measured by HR records increasing from 2% to 50% by Dec 2020 (from 4 staff to 27 staff) • One team as measured by staff roster, number of completed orientation and feedback showing confidence working in other departments • Leadership qualities and skills will be recognised and encouraged as demonstrated 80% completed annual reviews that have enabled individual development opportunities 2. There is a clearly defined career pathway for Nurses at Waipuna that incorporates four pathways: • Quality • Clinical • Education • Management This will be measured by an increase from 25% to 75% at the next Waipuna hospice nursing staff survey (Q29) demonstrating awareness of career opportunities by Dec 2020

Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby General Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


University of the Philippines Manila

There are 500 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Short courses and training on leadership development in public health nursing and global health, involving new nurses in policy development related to improving nurse work environments, and equipping new nurse teachers in using flexible learning approaches and use of technology to train future nurses.

Schools Division Office of Quezon City

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Far Eastern University Institute of Nursing (affiliated with Far Eastern University Nursing Alumni Foundation)

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

To be a instrument of purpose and change in providing nursing concepts and foundation to all nurses, create leadership skills and relevant caring abilities and aptitude in this current world of advancing technologies.

Philippine Nurses Association – Quezon Chapter

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

St. Anthony’s College

There are 45 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


Adventist University Of the Philippines – College of Nursing

There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

As an academic institution with a graduate program for nursing, we can mold nursing leaders and managers who can uplift the nursing profession and its mission.

Perpetual Help Medical Center- Biñan

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

San Pedro Jose l. Amante Emergency Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The hospital will be organizing a training-mentorship program for young nurses as part of the Nightingale Challenge. We will have a combination of training/seminars with mentorship program within the organization in collaboration of the national nursing association and government agencies such as the Department of Health. We will also propose collaboration with different hospitals in the province through a leadership and management for young nurse’s forum this 2020. This will be a good platform to share ideas, experiences and recommendations to further involve the young nurses in shaping the future of our profession.

Karmelli Clinic and Hospital Nursing Service

There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Philippine Nurses’ Association Ilocos Norte

There are 150 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Talisay District Hospital

There are 192 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Biñan Doctors’ Hospital, Inc.

There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Calamba doctors hospital

There are 80 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Calamba Medical Center

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Global Care Medical Center of Bay

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Global care medical center of canlubang

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Global Medical Center of Laguna

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Holy Rosary of Cabuyao Hospital Inc.

There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Los Banos Doctors Hospital and Medical Center, Incorporated

There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Enrollment of nurses in formal education(masteral), attend seminars and trainings on nursing leadership and management.

New Sinai MDI Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Young nurses and midwife to be pro-active and come up with trainings and seminars that will include leadership and management


There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

St. John the Baptist Medical Center, Inc.

There are 27 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Sta.Rosa Hospital and Medical Center

There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Medical City South Luzon

There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Philippine Nurses Association – Quezon Chapter

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Medical City Iloilo

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We have created an Institutionalized Nurse Specialization Track where Nurses underwent Clinical Nurse Specialization (3-phase ladderised program). We are done with stage 2. They are now on the Administration Track. Among the 60 nurses, those with leadership potentials will be developed as Nurse Administrators going through the Admin Track while those who would prefer to become clinicians, would tread the Clinical Nurse Specialist 3 track.

Saint Louis University Hospital of the Sacred Heart

There are 70 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

iHEART Program for Nurses & Midwives inspire&innovate Healthy Work-Life Balance Enhanced Career Progression Advanced Nursing Practice Rewards & Recognition Trainings and Continuing Professional Education status: August 1, 2019, Ongoing Implementation

Adventist University Of the Philippines – College of Nursing

There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

As an academic institution with a graduate program for nursing, we can mold nursing leaders and managers who can uplift the nursing profession and its mission.


Tan Tock Seng Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore seeks to contribute to the Nightingale Challenge by running a Nursing Research Mentorship Programme and Evidence-Based Nursing Workshop. Implemented over the entire year, these programmes seek to deliver a specific learning package of nursing research and evidence-based practices to a group of young, graduate nurses. The programmes will cover salient topics of nursing research and evidence utilization for advancement of nursing practice. Throughout the year, the nurses will be expected to conduct independent nursing research or evidence-based practice projects. They will also be paired with senior nurse leaders within the organization for mentorship and facilitation.


There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Main activities and Interventions as follows: 1) Nursing Leadership Symposium 2020 – A platform to provide sustainable support and staff empowerment to our current nursing workforce that will help to improve clinical outcomes. 2) Nursing Quality Advocate Group – A focus workgroup to advocate greater ownership in the care that nurses provided; and improve the nursing profession with their voices, ideas and views. 3) Nursing Education Portal – An online portal to provide education resources for nurses to promote nurses’ professional development. 4) Nursing Times – An in-house electronic newsletter to feature the contribution of our nurses and nursing leaders and publish articles on current clinical issues and nursing practices.

South Korea

Busan National University Hospital

There are 91 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Training course of preceptor

Seoul National University Hospital

There are 140 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

To empower leadership and education capabilities of experienced nurses, programs include roles and responsibilities of a preceptor, efficient teaching method, development of critical thinking abilities, communication and conflict management strategies, human rights violations, prevention, and response of medical institutions.

Cheju Halla General Hospital

There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

CS leader, Empowerment of Preceptor's capabilities, Coaching leader, Nursing leader

Chung Goo Sung Sim Hospital

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Organizational Culture Adaptation and Turnover Prevention Training Program

Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

"Preceptor training course for nurses with over 5 years of career having experience of training new nurses By setting up preceptor's role and learning efficient teaching methods, preceptors will be able to establish training plans and grasp knowledge to execute and assess the outcome of new nurses so they can carry out their role as professional nurses."

Wonkwang University Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

*Purpose: To cultivate ownership and foster joyful hospital culture through the promotion of friendship and unity * Participant: nurses with 5 years of career * Selection of venue: decided based on the survey result * Duration: 1 day * Program: discussion by topics and healing program

Yeungnam University Medical Center

There are 63 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Effective Communication, The proper teaching method for preceptors


En Chu Kong Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Train nursing staff to become nursing leaders, join the promotion of nursing activities, innovate nursing work, and carry out nursing inheritance.

Taipei Medical University Hospital (in affiliation with Taiwan Nurses Assoication)

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We will develop some educational programs for younger nurses from 2021 to 2022. Our main activities will have on four aspects of leadership developments for younger nurses according to TMUH hospital's mission and core values. The training programs focus on the nursing administrative management, the competence-based nursing education, the total quality management, and clinical practice skills such as the chronic wound care, and oncology nursing care. Those training programs will present by not only traditional lectures but also the workshops, the discussion-based courses, the simulation training and flipping classroom educations, and the hand-on clinical practice courses.

Taipei Wanfang Hospital (in affiliation with Taiwan Nurses Association)

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital (in affiliation with Taiwan Nurses Association)

There are 16 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Leadership and Management Training 1.Purpose: To train nursing leaders, improve problem-solving ability, improve self-growth, and serve as a reference for future nursing promotion. 2.Training content includes: course teaching, group discussions, group activities and administrative practice internships. 3.Course content:Leadership and management concepts, organizational culture, human resource management and application, property management skills, information management application ability, abnormal event handling ability, clinical service quality improvement, communication skills, administrative planning, performance management and assessment.

Taipei Medical University (in affiliation with Taiwan Nurses Association)

There are 600 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

1。 Taipei Medical University seeks to increase leadership development training for our students and early-career nurses through hosting symposiums, exchange programs and conferences on relevant leadership training topics and increase knowledge and collaborative efforts. This past July, we hosted an online exchange program with experts from universities around the world, including the Australia, and Japan on a wide range of topics including person-centred leadership, building up your life with resilience and Covid-19 and Nursing challenges to meeting the care for needs of older adults. 2。 We are also hosting an international conference in collaboration with Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics Joint International Conference on the topic of “Empowerment & Leadership Innovation in Health Care” this upcoming October 7th and 8th. In addition, for November we are planning on hosting training for our students on relevant leadership topics with the Asia Pacific regional nursing schools alliance together.


There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

1. In collaboration with 26 medical centers around Taiwan to launch the leadership program for young nurses aged 35 or under. 2. At least 200 young nurses who will complete the leadership program before the end of 2020. Among those nurses, more than 10 participants will be trained at Nightingale Nursing Leadership Institute (NNLI) organized by the Taiwan Nurses Association. 3. The Training Program aims to empower these young nurses with leadership skills, to prepare them with the competency of developing policies and further to take part in the policy table.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Nurses at all levels need to be strategic in their thinking and actions and be skilled communicators and negotiators. Taipei Veterans General Hospital will hold a 1-year leadership training program for young leaders to provide with knowledge, strategies and strength to lead and manage nursing and health services in often complex and chaotic environments. This program consists of 2-stage workshops. Fellows attend stage 1 for a period of five days. During the first period fellows participate in discussion and reflection on leadership, clinical leadership, practice improvement and selecting a team project. In the last week of the training period, fellows again attend for a period of five days. During this period, fellows will finalize their project report. Totally 30 young clinical leaders who 35 years old and under will be enrolled from our medical center. ICN has been a pioneer in leadership, management and negotiation skill development for nurses for more than 20 years through its highly successful leadership programs: Leadership for Change™. The TVGH leadership training program will be developed and directed by 3 ICN LFC Training of Trainers, who are also the nursing supervisors in the nursing department of TVGH.

National Taiwan University Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The National Taiwan University Hospital is committed to cultivating the next generation of outstanding young nurses, to identify outstanding personnel with potential leadership skills, and to be able to become a leader in the field of medical care through high-level management training programs. This training program is aimed at excellent nurses aged 30-35. It is expected to last for 9 months and will be attended by the instructors who have completed the Leadership Change Program (LFC). The spirit of curriculum design and development includes technology and humanities. At the level, through the integration of cultural conservation and technology application, and then applied to clinical care, the training objective is 3C "Caring, Communication, Compassion", which is divided into three stages, which are divided into individual, institutional and international levels to meet the modern nursing environment, Challenges and leadership needs.

Taichung Veterans General Hospital

There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

This course will be using learner-centered teaching, designing base on the "leadership, innovation, and initiative". By means of clinical management examples to stimulate thinking, and successfully cultivate 20 clinical nursing leaders. The courses cover: personal development, leadership role literacy, different fields learning, communication and advocacy skills and so on so forth.

National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences

There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Tainan Municipal An-Nan hospital -China medical university

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The leadership training program is tailored for emerging young nurse leaders in An-Nan Hospital and offers unique local programs to develop leadership skills in both individual level and organizational level. The training program includes one-hour training course for 8 weeks and a one-day workshop. The training program will focus on individual level leadership skills such as listening, communication, conflict management, and emotional intelligence, and organizational level leadership skills such as team work, stakeholder analysis and project development. The evaluations will include satisfaction and leadership skill challenges. The potential benefits include enhancing nurse recruitment and retention, effective team work and achieving a better organizational climate.

Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital

There are 18 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We are willing to make a commitment to investing in and developing human capital. For the purpose of cultivating our new generation, we will arrange: 1.Hospital organization vision and nursing management 2.Leadership Program 3.Rethinking the commitment to the nursing profession and career planning 4.Media use and public relations 5.Public relations,Marketing and the Professional Image of Nursing 6.Communication, persuasion, influence 7.Global health issues and nursing professional development 8.Discussion on health-related issues at home and abroad 9.Participate in international conferences

Chi Mei Medical Center

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Landseed international hospital

There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Successor training, inheriting the knowledge, experience and skills of the initiative, to be able to influence others and bring about change.

Chang Gung Medical Foundation

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

First Leadership Development Programme Chang Gung Medical Foundation strives to continue cultivating young nursing staff to become leaders with great scientific, innovative, and international visions. Starting from 2018, the nursing department have recommended outstanding nursing staff aged 30 – 35 years to receive the elite training program on a yearly basis. The training is divided into 2 phases. The 1st phase involves 6 months of leadership training to ensure these outstanding nursing staff to develop forward looking and global perspectives, and to develop capability of building strategic alliances with other professional affiliations. In the 2nd phase, 3 months of evidence-based workshop training will be provided. This is to train our young nursing staff on becoming well-rounded leaders with adequate knowledge of evidence-based medicine. Presently five nurses in Chang Gung Medical Foundation and its Education Alliances have completed the Leadership for Change (LFC), a training program held by Taiwan Nursing Association and ICN, and they will join other instructors together to educate young elite nursing staff to become outstanding leaders. Second Leadership Development Programme The Chang Gung Medical Foundationhas actively responded to the call of the “Nursing Now Challenge”,to foster outstandingyoung nursing leaders. We haveregistered as one of the global participants on the ICN website since 26th September2019. The Chang Gung leadership training programme was implemented in February 2020 and postponed to July 2020due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.Eligible participants were young nursing leadersunder age 35 and with a master degree.A total of 29 participants were invited to participate. The entire programme included leadership skills building, smart technologies for healthcare,andevidence-based nursing, etc. The lecturers comprisedexpertsfrom various domains including nursing, academia, and politics. Our ultimate goal is to facilitatetraniees’ leadership skills, policy advocacy, and empirical innovation capabilities to guide reflection, understand the learning experience of their trainees, and inspire critical and creative thinking.Since the implementation of the training course, one trainee was selected to participate in the 2020“Nightingale Nursing Leadership Institute, NNLI” held by TWNA, which was designed to trainnursing leaders with more prospective and global vision. Moreover, 8 trainees participated in the 2020 ICN Conference and published their academic results. With regards to career development, 9 trainees were promoted to Assistant Head Nurse, and 3 trainees entered the nursing doctoral program for further study. This programme had successfully shed light on the nursing career path and leadership development for all participants. Accordingly, 30 clinical nursing elites under age 35 will be invited to participate in 2021. We hope that it will continuously foster the leadership among young elite nurses, towards an outstanding lead. 100 words: The Chang Gung Medical Foundation has actively responded to the Nursing Now Challenge”, to foster outstanding young nursing leaders. We have registered to participate on the ICN website in 2019. A new training program comprising of leadership skills, smart technologies for healthcare, and evidence nursing etc. was implemented in July 2020. Our goal with this program was to expose participants to nursing careers and leadership development. This led them to attend the Nightingale Nursing Leadership Institute, publish papers, become administrators, and pursue doctoral study in nursing. We develop nursing leaders will continue in 2021, aiming for outstanding leadership.

MacKay Memorial Hospital

There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

MacKay Memorial Hospital is proud to be among the first adopters of the Nightingale Challenge, drawing on its role as a medical center with the core values of "Honesty, humility, and mercy. Love others as you love yourself, care for the disadvantaged. Burn out rather than rust out. Innovation excellence, and sustainable development.” MacKay Memorial Hospital have selected 14 nurses, in which 2 nurses are under 35 years of age, to participate in the program set for the Nightingale Challenge. The program will empower the participants with the leadership skills that will have positive impacts on the nursing staff.

Hualuen Tzu CHI Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Fundation

There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Compassion - which involves attending, understanding, empathizing and helping - as a core cultural value of department of nursing, the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation. and how compassionate leadership results in a working environment that encourages our young nurses and midwives to find new and improved ways of doing things to be guardians of life safety and health. There are four key training programs for innovative, high-quality and continually improving care and what they mean for patients, staff and the hospital.

Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

After identifying the participating talents, we use Competence-Based Medical Education to assess the abilities to design classes such as: communication, crisis management, cost control, quality management and other courses. The actual example simulation allows participants to respond directly, and the instructor can also give suggestions and provide good solutions at the same time. Finally, the participants as the center, confirm the results of each people after training, provide clinical unit learning, according to the results of the previous training, thereby enhancing the participant's professional care and management capabilities, and also providing a safe environment to give the best care to the patients.

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital

There are 41 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The Far Eastern Memorial Hospital is committed to cultivating young nurses and introducing them an administrative management talent training program. The training program aims to train 41 nursing staff whose age is around 30-35 years old. The training program has two stages. The initial stage program includes the humanities, clinical leadership, administrative management ability, crisis management, and artificial intelligence and the advanced stage one is a five days’ course, which includes clinical administrative management internship. The program is developed to ensure the that these young nursing staff will become the outstanding nurse leaders.

Changhua Christian Hospital

There are 65 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

First Leadership Development Programme lecture, mentor/mentee, visiting different department for management ability Second Leadership Development Programme Every year, there will be held a new nurse leader training program. In this training program, the topic will focused on leadership, human resource management and quality improvement issues etc.. We will follow the new nurse leader’s performance and according to the result to pick up them to participate the other leader’s training program.

China Medical University Hospital

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Our hospital is expected to conduct administrative training in August-October 109. It teaches young potential nurses through classroom teaching, practical operation, discussion, and reporting, learns the role of leader roles, and is committed to improving the quality of clinical care.


Tonga Nurses Association, MOH

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Tonga, Pacific and Global contexts: Health System and health outcomes Tonga, Pacific and Global contexts: Health priorities, projected health challenges Governance: Legislations, Policy, Standards Research Driven Education Education system Practice: Evidence Based Practice Community Partnerships Population Satisfaction ... Partnerships with NGOs, Civil Societies etc The Future of Work

Queen Salote Institute of Nursing and Allied Health

There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Collaborate with Nursing Leaders to: Promote Healthy Living Programs: a. weight loss competition b. aerobics and 30 minutes walk daily c. lunch boxes every day - healthy lunch of local food and veggies Support participation to youth parliament as people's representatives - two young nurses Capacity building of 18 young and student nurses travelling to Geneva for the WHA and attend to relevant meetings, and participate to Year of the Nurse and Midwife events.