There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 7,936 nurses and midwives from 242 organisations across 22 countries participating in the Nursing Now Challenge!
According to the State of the World’s Nursing Report, there are an estimated 7.3 million nurses in the WHO European Region. This number is not adequate to meet current and projected future needs. The European Region faces an additional threat in light of their aging nursing workforce.
In almost all countries in the European Region, over 90% of nurses and midwives are female. Nurses’ and midwives’ salaries are still below the national average in many countries in the European Region.
Europe Board Members

Elizabeth Adams
President, European Federation of Nurse Associations
Challengers’ Committee: Europe Regional Hub Co-Chairs

Andres de Juan Ortega

Floriana Pinto

Lincoln Gombedza

Malgorzata Stefaniak
Albanian Order of Nurses
Servei Andorrà d’Assistència Sanitaria
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Service Mensch GmbH, Volkshilfe Niederösterreich
There are 65 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We provide training and development programmes for our employees in order to enable them to unfold their full potential and social skills. These are for example a six day course on leadership and personal management, an advanced leadership course on four evenings for those who have already successfully completed the six day training. Frequently we organize quality circles for our nurses. Wishes about further education and career chances of all our collegues are permanently analyzed and evaluated. A very powerful and effective training covers the different types of characters, their way of thinking and how they act divergently in their environment. This programme is especially designed for colleges in leading and key positions.
Vienna Private Hospital
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
provide further education to extend competencies or education
European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS)
There are 21 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) are committed to the development of young cancer nurses under 35. In 2017, we developed the EONS Young Cancer Nurses Network. The network has grown, and currently has 21 members from sixteen countries. Throughout 2020, we will continue to invite applications to join the network from unrepresented countries. We will be offering a programme of development and mentorship delivered face-to-face and online to support our emerging young leaders to develop a national network of young cancer nurses within their country.
Clinical Hospital Center Osijek
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
When I started to work as a young cancer nurse, it was not given that much information to us abouth safe cytostatic apliccation/administering. We did not have spillage cyto set, protective equpment or closed systems. Many times I felt very tired, have had open wounds on hands and fingers, sour mouth and many other symptoms, and my coworkers too. Today, we have many young cancer nurses working on our department, and I want to educate and inform all of them, so they have the specific knowledge, clinical skills and approach to all informations abouth safe preparing and administering cytotoxic drugs for them, for their colleagues and for the patients. I want to ensure also protective equipment and educate all of young cancer nurses how to use it in appropriate way, and how to use spillage set. It is very important information for nurse itself and also for the patients, to maintaine personal and public health.
Croatian Nursing Council
There are 450 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The activities include 1-day extensive training of nurses at 30 General/Clinical Hospitals on national level to gain basic information and skills on leadership and values such as: empowerment, credibility, decision making, creativity, integrity, respect, advocacy. The trainers (2 per event) are nurses that had taken the extended leadership training by Royal College of Surgeons Ireland teaching and practicing expert nurses, based on ToT concept. It is foreseen to include 15-20 licensed nurses on lower or mid-management level up to 35 years old per hospital that didn't have opportunity to take part at similar courses. The budget is 4000 EUR.
Czech Republic
University of Pardubice
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The nurses and midwives will participate in The Nursing Leadership Forum, which will be part of our 6th International Conference "Quality and its Perspectives: Illuminating the path to modern nursing care: the legacy of Florence Nightingale", held at the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Health Studies on April 22, 2020.
Medical department, Zealand University Hospital
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Upcoming nursing leaders. Engaged, bright and on competent level in Nursing in their respective departments. Interested in organizing, developing and leading nurses in a modern Danish Medical department with speciality in Gastroenterology, internal medicine and endokrinology.
Aalborg University Hospital
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
“Get together” network in the ward for nurses under the age of 35. The nurses will be divided into different team which follows the existing organization in the ward. In the beginning generating some sort of brainstorming for future activities and development program in the ward. Creating peer-board with the young nurses with executive mentors. Generate ideas for action learning projects. Seminars and “training in action” which we call for simulations training
Aarhus University Hospital
There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are working with a systematic competance development for nurses working as a scrub practitioners. Furthermore the new nurses are asking for more insight in the patients way in our department and they want to take part in leading the patient parthway through there meeting with our high specialized eyecare department.
Gynækologisk Ambulatorim, Holbæk.
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Gastroenterological Ward Herlev Hospital
There are 1 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The purpose is to impart a young nurse holistic nursing leadership knowledge, skills and attitudes, by enabling a learning environment for acquiring the desired nursing and leadership skills from the experienced head nurse to “The Sorcerer's Apprentice”. We will gradually give insights and responsibilities embedded into the leadership role. We believe that the leadership and the tasks it entails will bloom and become part of her everyday life in a natural way. As an integrated part of the leadership development program, the acquired skills will be utilized to facilitate the on-boarding of new nurses and other staff in the ward.
University Hospital, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Guidance and support for young nurses participating in the department's nursing research program. The preliminary plan is managerial participation in the nursing research program as well as follow-up discussions with the participating nurses. The focus is on career paths and further support for competency development.
Palliative bed section, Odense University Hospital
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
1. Competence development to become clinical counselor. It involves a diploma module in guidance. training by a colleague who holds the post at present. 2. Skills development for the discharge of responsibilities. participation in a project on patient-related documentation. Participation in the Growth Forum in autumn 2020. 3. Strength in the role of value creation.
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Focus on The patients NETWORK - family og close friends. Hand out bags with information - with help and information duirng that helps The network to overcome A diffucult time. Make interview - did it make A difference so such A target focus?
Psychiatry House Aarhus, Department of Depression and Anxiety
There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Welfare and Health Horsens Health Center
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Cleveland Clinic, London
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Saint Catherine’s Hospice Scarborough
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Edge Hill University
There are 800 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Link with student nurses from years 1-4 in Manipal College of Nursing India to EdgeHill student nurses years 1-3. Hold four times yearly student led webinars to share cultural practices, clinical areas of similarity and difference and learn from each other. As well as share positive student nurse experiences on a private social media site for both sets of students to inter act with each other To deliver online webinar sessions to student nurses in Harbin Medical University, China. The objectives are to share clinical and cultural practices from UK perspectives to student nurses years 1-4 China.
North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The Open University
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Two online activities on the topic of e-professionalism:
University of Oxford
There are nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Liverpool Women’s Hospital
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will commit to support 10 nurses /midwives across the Trust. We will do this by using existing leadership programs / shadowing / coaching and reverse mentoring.
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Working with an external company who are delivering a fantastic leadership programme to multiple cohorts of nursing and midwifery colleagues (Ward Leaders, departmental Band 7s, Heads of Nursing and Matrons.) This programme aims to support, develop and empower staff to lead their clinical areas and to become outstanding places of care. - Facilitating conferences and interactive round table events with nursing and midwifery leaders as part of our Year of the Nurse and Midwife celebrations as well as holding promotion career events/aspiring talent workshops for Band 5 nurses and inspirational careers evenings with key note speakers for Band 6s.
King Edward VII’s Hospital
There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will be developing 20 newly qualified nurses (under 35) and additionally develop a further 20 staff band 5 nurses, who are not just the under 35s, including in this a number of BME staff. We plan to offer 12 sessions over 12 months in the form of taught sessions, action learning sets, seminars, site visits, coaching and mentoring. The nurses will be supported to develop a range of skills and experiences in leadership, systems thinking, career guidance, and Quality improvement. As part of this a set group of students will be matched with a senior nurse leader to provide ongoing coaching during the Programme.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
There are 35 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals and partner healthcare organisations in Leeds, will offer places on a post preceptorship professional development programme. The programme will ensure excellence in evidence based practice, whilst promoting the image of nursing and midwives, celebrating and valuing the important work they do every day. The programme will empower participants to make changes and improvements in their every day work and recognise the value their work adds to patients. 4 pillars of practice will be developed: communication, leadership, improvement and compassion. The programme will culminate in a celebration event and presentation of the Leeds Nurse/Midwife badge in December 2020. The badge will represent pride and commitment to the highest standards of care and of our Profession.
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Working with an external company who are delivering a fantastic leadership programme to multiple cohorts of nursing and midwifery colleagues (Ward Leaders, departmental Band 7s, Heads of Nursing and Matrons.) This programme aims to support, develop and empower staff to lead their clinical areas and to become outstanding places of care. - Facilitating conferences and interactive round table events with nursing and midwifery leaders as part of our Year of the Nurse and Midwife celebrations as well as holding promotion career events/aspiring talent workshops for Band 5 nurses and inspirational careers evenings with key note speakers for Band 6s.
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Here at Oxford University Hospitals we are delighted to be able to celebrate the development of our fabulous nurses and midwives as part of the ‘Nightingale Challenge’. We will be extending our offer on our in-house postgraduate programme Leading Compassionate Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery. In addition we will be developing our Band 7 Clinical Summits throughout 2020 to share excellence and encourage innovation throughout the organisation. In May we will be launching our refreshed nursing strategy and outlining our journey towards Pathway to Excellence’ © and Magnet © accreditation.
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
There are 52 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Imperial College Healthcare Trust
There are 34 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
University College London Hospitals
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Sherwood Forest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Frimley Health Foundation Trust
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Medway has accepted the Nightingale Challenge 2020! At least 20 nurses and midwives who are under 35 from across our Trust will participate in two different leadership development programmes over the year. One is a six-month bespoke externally facilitated integrated leadership and management programme known as the Connected Matron. Our programme is designed to meet the needs of each individual in relation to where they are on their individual career pathway. The programme has assessment as the core component to identify the skills and capability of each individual participant. We believe this is a critical aspect of the programme and will enable learning to be tailored to the needs of each learner, and enable each participant to develop an individualised plan to achieve their potential and meet the expectations of their role. One of the facilitators will shadow each participant in practice and assess them against jointly set expectations which reflect the core requirements of the role and our Trust values. Each participant will also attend a Development Needs Analysis Centre where managerial aspects of their role will be assessed. We will then tailor master-classes for the participants against the core themes and needs which emerge from the assessment process. We understand that many of our participants will have undertaken previous leadership development and will be at various stages in their development, therefore we have designed a programme that will focus not only on a core set of skills and expectations but also an individualised approach that will enhance the performance of each participant against a set of clear expectations. Our second programme is for our Ward Managers, called Leadership for quality and safety. This programme offers a variety of experiential learning activities; the development and implementation of a robust improvement project, and collaborative peer triangles. The expected outcomes of the programme will be that our Ward Managers will: Identify their leadership style and have greater self awareness Report higher levels of confidence within their role and work within the full range of role authority Have improved nurse sensitive quality indicators and fewer serious incidents in their area Have improved patient experience · Have greater levels of staff satisfaction · Understand their role in all aspects of governance · Are able to lead a quality improvement project · Understand the strategic objectives of the trust and the wider system in which they work
The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
There are 35 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Throughout the programme candidates develop their leadership skills using a bespoke coaching framework, with the aim of: · Leading a service improvement project in their workplace · Learning the most effective way to manage change in the clinical environment · Experiencing coaching as a supportive development tool and understand how to coach colleagues
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
At the University Hospitals of Leicester School of Nursing and Midwifery Practice we will be running four leadership programmes to inspire our junior nurses and midwives to become our future leaders. We will continue with our RCN Clinical Leadership Programme for Ward Managers, we will launch our 2020 cohorts for the Senior Staff Nurse (Band 5) and Deputy Ward Manager Programme and we will be launching a new 'Inspired to lead' programme for our nurses recruited from overseas, particularly focusing on the 400 nurses who have come to work in UHL over the last two years.
Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Milton Keynes University Hospitals NHS Trust
There are 35 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Liverpool Women’s Hospital
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will commit to support 10 nurses /midwives across the Trust. We will do this by using existing leadership programs / shadowing / coaching and reverse mentoring.
Stoke Heath Integrated Care
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We plan on enrolling on the Edward Jenner Leadership programme, running a journal club and focus groups to bring leadership to the forefront of what we do, planning of improving moral and also patient care. We are having a launch event during international nurses day on the 12th of May. This is a joint venture between the substance misuse team, Secondary mental health team and primary health care team hoping to improve integrated working in the building.
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
- Launch Mary Seacole local programme for new leaders - Enhance current 'Springboard' programme to include shadowing Matron role and expanding content to include resilience and wellbeing
North Staffordshire Combined Health Care NHS Trust
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We have developed the Chief NUrse Junior Fellowship, a 15 months programme to support nurses and midwives in developing their leadership capability, alongside formal academic preparation to become future leaders.
Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust
There are 12 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
At RCHT we have commenced a twitter account, we are facilitating monthly events for YONM with a parallel lecture and buddy programme for the Nightingale Challenge. The range of activities include a Nurses as Leaders lecture series, drop in sessions with the CEO and local MPs , an innovation breakfast, an HCA conference and a focused event on Men in Nursing. For 2020 we will using a blue colour scheme in our flower bed. On the 12th May we are lighting up our Hospitals with blue lights and asking all staff who are not in uniform to wear something blue. We will be the planting of trees to off set the carbon footprint of the lighting up. We are having an all day event of readings from fact and fiction about Nursing and Midwifery in the Chapel which will include multi faith readings and singing.
northern devon healthcare trust
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Barts Health NHS Trust
There are 110 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
A joint development programme with Frimley Health so that we have 220 young Nursing & Midwifery leaders as part of a social movement. We will build on a core foundation of leadership development & hold a series of networked events, shadow activities, buddy & mentor arrangements. The programme will culminate in a young leaders conference to celebrate Midwives & Nurses day in 2021 planned by the young leaders themselves in a new & innovative format.
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS FT
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Devon Partnership NHS Trust
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will provide a tailored bespoke Preceptorship course, specific CPD activity that will include Practice education activity, simulation activity and action learning set access. There will also be a greater emphasis on coaching and mentoring and an opportunity for registered nursing staff to access leadership and development during 2020.
West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Plan is for a leadership programme as a follow on from our Preceptorship for our band 5 N&M
County Durham CCGs
There are 0 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
although we do not directly employ nurses in this age group, we will be working with our provider colleagues to offer help and support to nurses they have enrolled.
Kettering General Hospital
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Deputy Sister leadership programme in place for all Deputy sister's.
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
There are 19 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Shadowing specialist tams e.g. quality improvement Middle management programme
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We plan to actively recruit into our these programmes for 2020: RCN leadership course Director of Nursing fellowship In-house leadership programmes In addition to this we will run some additional activities as part of the Nightingale challenge. These will be available to all nursing and midwifery staff in addition to those eligible to be registered in the challenge.
Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group aims to provide 4 sessions of fully funded leadership training for General Practice Nurses. • Nurses aged 35 and under are encouraged to attend, however those aged over this are also welcome if we do not get sufficient numbers of delegates. • Shadowing and mentorship will be included for those aged 35 • Younger Nurses can begin to establish their leadership skills in readiness for stepping up into these roles as a third of the WCCG GPN workforce is expected to retire in the next 5 years.
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Four leadership days spread over the year and an additional 4 inspirational speaker sessions throughout 2020.
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
An in house Aspiring Leaders Programme offering an insight into leadership styles, taught sessions, shadowing opportunities and coaching
South Tees Hospitals NHS FT
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our Nightingale Challenge is to offer 20 places for Nurses and Midwives between the age of 25 -35 to apply and attend an MSc Management Practice with Manchester University. This will be complemented by 4 stand alone study days · Introduction Compact study day. · Quality Improvement study day. · Leadership study day. · Military style command task/team building day.
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Currently our plan is to create 4 Chief Nurse Junior Fellow roles and each will major in one of the pillars of practice (clinical, education, leadership and research). The post holders will benefit from senior nursing leadership and coaching from an expert nurse in each of these pillars. In addition we plan to collaborate with our university partners to create twinning experiences with global partners which will include creating opportunities for our group of young nurses / midwives to travel abroad and be involved in nursing/midwifery projects in places such as Uganda and Nepal.
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Through a combination of formal and informal methods to develop leadership and management skills and experience.
East Suffolk & North Essex Foundation Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Warrington and Halton Teaching Hopsitals NHS Foundation Trust
There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will deliver a programme of events across the twelve month period. These include a badge competition to create a commemorative badge for 2020 for WHH, a monthly nurse and midwife nominated for an award, park run, bike ride etc.. In addition we will be celebrating nurses and midwives from across different areas of clinical practice each month, highlighting students of both professions and returners too. We will also hold a conference this year. Our Nightingale leadership challenge will be met with a plan To deliver two cohorts of Leadership Development as part of a pilot extension to the WHH MDT Preceptorship Programme. Due to the typical demographics of our current preceptors, this will meet the requirements of the Nightingale Challenge, whilst also aligning to organisational need, regional and national drivers, and has the opportunity to inform the Cheshire and Merseyside Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Programme Preceptorship Sub Group.
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust
There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and Mount Kenya University have come together to develop an International Junior Nurse Fellowship in response to the Nursing Now Challenge. This 12-month fellowship programme will be delivered virtually with early career nurses and student nurses learning and sharing together as a joint cohort across both countries. Each participant must have support from their line manager/academic tutor for protected time of one day each month to attend each virtual workshop. As part of the fellowship each individual will produce a robust research proposal (which they will implement during the 12 months) to enable a fantastic opportunity to feed outputs back into their respective organisations and share across the Nursing Now Challenge global platform. Learners will continue their academic studies if they are a registered student and remain in their substantive post if a Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust registered nurse/ nursing associate. The first cohort will be limited to ten registered nurses/ nursing associates from Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and ten senior nursing students from Kenya.
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will be running leadership programmes for a variety of nursing and midwifery roles, such as department leaders, clinical nurse specialists and practice development nurses/midwives. These will consist of taught study days and action learning sets. We will also be supporting mentorship and shadowing opportunities for nurses and continuing to run our Nightingale Nurse and Midwife Award.
Nottingham University Hosptials NHS Trust
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
In January 2020 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust enrolled 24 early career registered nurses to undertake the Nursing NOW Nightingale Challenge in celebration of the International Year of The Nurse. Despite the challenges of a pandemic in November 2020 the nurses joined together for a virtual graduation with the Trusts Chief Nurse to share their journeys and celebrate their development and achievements. Staff presented improvement projects that impacted directly on patient experience and outcomes.
Royal Marsden Hospital
There are 45 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Initial thoughts are looking at our Senior Staff Nurse development programme and we can explore the ages of nurses at this. We could potentially focus on this age group for a mentoring project which could be done through a digital platform. The intervention are linked to individual development/peer support/leadership in practice with a focus on lead teams . Quality improvement is also a key areas of development and this has the potential to get staff more involved in what is happening globally and UK wide.
Hertfordshire partnership university nhs foundation trust
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
University of Nottingham, School of Health Sciences
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our University prepares nurses and midwives for global future professional careers, including strong focus upon clinical capability and leadership development of students and upon opportunities for international experience. To assure excellent contemporary professional practice, the school appoints nursing and midwifery staff to ‘first’ clinical academic posts or in joint contracts with local healthcare partners. The Nightingale challenge will enable focus upon this population, offering opportunities for leadership development We are working with our local partners and also colleagues across the world through the network organisation ‘Universitas 21’ to offer cross cutting opportunities including in-house training, local events and a U21 global webinar series.
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Portsmouth Hospitals is committed to the development and investment of its staff. We will be offering a programme of development and mentorship that will help our aspiring young leaders to gain the skills required for leadership. The new skills they learn will equip them to undertake a project where they lead a change or service development in their area, feeding back to their group and to senior nurses in the organisation,
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Aligning our Leadership Strategy to our strategic objective for People will help the Trust make explicit links between clinical excellence/transformational leadership and ensure that we create the culture/capacity we need to achieve our True North objectives. A series of internally led training programmes will deliver Management Basics “How To” and “Know How” sessions, including Procurement, Business Cases, Budgetary Management, Procurement and People Management. We will be focussing on meeting the leadership learning needs of our workforce today, as well as establishing an approach to the way we manage talent and plan for the future through succession planning and development.
University Hospitals Derby and Burton NHS FT
There are 29 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
As part of the bicentenary celebrations and year of the nurse & Midwife, team UHDB have a planned diary of events to celebrate, including supporting a group of new nurses and midwives to develop their leadership capabilities, confidence and competence. This includes senior nurses and midwives buddying up with less experienced staff and being supported to progress. Tied in to this we will explore succession planning and talent mapping to maximize and ensure we enable are young nurse and midwives access as many opportunities as possible to be the best that they can be in operational and clinical practice, education, research and leadership and management
Dudley Group FT NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
A programme that’s helps our nurses and midwives to develop their leadership skills in order to support our trust in promoting a compassionate leadership culture.
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Gateshead Health NHS FT
There are 35 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
For the Nightingale Challenge in 2020, the Trust plans to create both comprehensive and flexible leadership programmes to meet the needs of our staff. Our programmes will be a combination of experiential learning activities, formal courses, Quality improvement initiatives, leading and managing change workshops, mentoring, secondment, shadowing or learning from other professionals. We have decided the content and the format in partnership with the staff so it is relevant to our own workforce and local needs.
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will be running leadership development programmes for nurses, midwives and nursing associates this will include participants undertaking improvement projects and a two day Action Centred Leadership programme. We are also planning a programme of reverse mentoring with senior managers and Exec Directors. We will implement a Shared Governance Council for preceptees and overseas nurses and midwives which will consist of a majority under 35 year olds. We will be implementing a programme of short term secondments for staff to work in areas such as research and quality, infection prevention, education and different clinical specialities and organisations.
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT
There are 19 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Link in with existing Leadership programme as part if the #definedbyourpeople focus. Create mentoring and shadowing opportunities across professional disciplines internally. Explore existing corporate partnerships to consider leadership learning and perspectives. Attend the Florence Nightingale Commemorative Service at Westminster Abbey in May 2020. Link in with new School of Nursing and explore academic links
Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals
There are 35 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nuffield Health
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
In response to the call of the Nightingale Challenge, Nuffield Health will be launching its Nightingale Programme in 2020. This 9-month development programme will comprise of core learning, such as Quality Improvement and Clinical Effectiveness, alongside bespoke learning opportunities to facilitate personal and professional growth. Any of our registered nurses under the age of 35 will have the opportunity to engage in this global initiative. Through development and coaching we endeavour to support our nurses to be their best, champion the nursing profession and ultimately build a healthier nation.
Marie Curie
There are 55 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
- Marie Curie is a charity providing end of life and palliative care to 50,000 people each year across the nations of the UK. We employ 1,000 Registered Nurses who provide care in Hospices and Community Nursing Services. We are committed to supporting RNs who are aspiring leaders to undertake a personal leadership programme. We will provide facilitation, mentoring and shadowing; plus a series of workshops with interactive topics and active learning activities as part of the programme design. We will encourage leaders to share their learning and demonstrate impact on practice. The programme will be based on person-centred and compassionate leadership principles creating environments where individuals can flourish.
- Since 2020 the organisation has provided mentorship for early-career nurses, through a year-long mentorship programme. We also participated in the virtual mentoring opportunity earlier this year. Next year we would aim to extend out to our student nurses and trainee nurse associates as another way of enhancing their journey to their new roles
Spire Healthcare
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are truly excited to be part of the Nightingale Challenge. We have been thoughtful about the programme and its development. The focus for Spire Healthcare is to support our emerging talent and enhance their leadership capability both clinically and commercially. Our programme will allow participants to have exclusive access to our most experience mentors. Our programme combines the current thinking in leadership with tailored mentoring support from our directors at the highest level. With a trip to Westminster to discuss Healthcare policies to access to award winning authors who have enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the Nursing profession this is a truly special experience for our Nurse professionals.
There are 80 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
HCA Healthcare UK
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Delivery of Level 3 HCA Nightingale Clinical Leadership programme (aimed at junior leaders, and aspiring leaders) Delivery of Level 5 HCA Frist Clinical Leadership programme (aimed at senior leaders, aspiring heads of department)
The London Clinic
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Virgin Care
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Virgin Care is committed to developing the next generation of nurse leaders and the Nightingale Challenge fits perfectly with our ethos of striving for better in everything we do. Our programme supports our belief that life is about learning and taking opportunities to share learning. It will focus on leadership and delivering excellence, strategy and high quality care through workshops, seminars, group work and insights from influential leaders working in and outside of healthcare. 20 nurses will be recruited onto the programme throughout Virgin Care. Participants will complete a quality improvement project supported by a coach from our Senior Leadership Team and finish with a graduation ceremony
Schoen Clinic
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Aspen Healthcare
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
BMI Healthcare Limited
There are 34 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We propose putting together a 12 month programme that will give an opportunity to our young nursing staff to develop into the leaders of the future. The key components will be: Using our status as an registered City and Guilds Institute of Leadership and Management centre we will deliver a tailored Leadership programme that will focus on Leadership opposed to management skills. We will deliver three days per quarter. o The first two days will be taught work-shops o Third day will consist of inspirational speaker from both inside and outside of healthcare. Each cohort will form working groups (perhaps 2 per cohort) to work on projects identified by the regions, this will give the candidates real life experience and exposure to leadership issues. Each cohort will be assigned a board member as their cohort sponsor to provide support and inspiration. Hold two events per year for the whole group where they are able to share experiences and learning. The two yearly events will take place outside of BMI. We would look for organisations from other industries to sponsor the days. Single point of coordination from our team The programme could be called ‘Clinical Leaders of the future’
Livewell Southwest
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Identify group of staff in current workforce and new staff Establish forum Identify mentors for the group Ensure well being programme in place Resilience support Attendance and presentation at board Professional forum
Cerner UK
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Cerner UK is offering Nursing Informatics training to 20 nurses and midwives, under the age of 35, who are exploring careers in Health Information Technology in the UK, This may also be offered to another under-served country remotely. Attendance will be online, real time, so travel will not be an issue. Classes will be conducted by Nursing Executives from Cerner, adapting content prepared for CNIO's. Certificates of attendance will be issued to the 20 people if they attend all sessions. Sessions will be conducted over several months to allow maximum attendance without compromise to personal time/travel. @CernerUK, @dhsuae
Health Managemanet, MAXIMUS UK
There are 35 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
o A bespoke toolkit of leadership resources accessible to via the intranet. o A bespoke portfolio of online resources including e-books, audiobooks and audio-visual content accessible via the Percipio learning library. Nurses can build a personalised library of learning resources and book on to a range of courses to suit their needs. o A series of scheduled monthly conference calls for paired ‘buddies’ or small groups to discuss and build-on learning and practice, and agree/share personal action plans. o In addition to providing direction and support, nurses development activities will be discussed, agreed and documented as part of their monthly check-ins with line managers.
Sue Ryder
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are offering 2 different programmes; 1. A bespoke programme supported by mentorship, action leaning sets, 2. INSPIRE frontline management development programme. The programme will run in Leicester from April to August 2020 and has been designed to enhance the delegate’s management and skills, with an overarching message of developing employee engagement. By the end of the programme, delegates will have learnt and practiced a variety of tools and techniques to help empower, motivate and engage their teams through partnership and collaborative approaches and effective behaviour and value role modelling. We are looking for consistent achievers across all directorates, including: There are six taught modules in total, which equate to a commitment of approximately one day per month over six months from April to August, including two days with an overnight stay.
University Hospital Münster
There are 120 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We accept the #NightingaleChallenge! Three Colleagues from our further education develop a concept with trainings and workshops for this year. We want to empower the next generation of nurses and midwives in our hospital with that concept. Stay curious!
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Johannisstift Münster
There are 12 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We developed a program, which includes a regular meeting (Workshop and/or lecture) on one day a month. Most lecturer are employees in our clinic group, most of them have a study graduation on master level or higher. The climax of our Nightingale Challenge will be the visit of the care congress (North-rhine-westphalia) in Bochum. Our aim is to enable our nurses a holistically understanding of the organisation hospital. They should know what happens behind the doors of Controlling, Administration, public relation ...and so on.These aspects are important to optimize processes in nursing. In Germany it is not normal to be educated in this topics while apprenticeship so this is a great chance to expand the nursing staff's knowledge. We hope it will make the employees of our hospital more statisfied. Our Workshops and lectures over the year 2020: 2. Quality Management in hospitals 3. Controlling and how the DRG System works 4. Pflegepersonaluntergrenzen und das Pflegestärkungsgesetz (specific german topic) 5. communication in hospital - how to argue towards doctors? 6. Visit a congress in Bochum 7. public relation in hospital - how can I work with?
Klinikum Bremerhaven Reinkenheide
There are 12 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Breakfast with regional politicians Attending lectures at the university Participation in congresses
Hochschule für Gesundheit
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
In practice, nursing staff usually occupy a key position at case or organisational level, which requires so-called leadership skills. This is aggravated by the fact that the nursing staff usually do not have a higher status in clinics or outpatient settings and therefore have to coordinate and negotiate decisions in a cooperative manner. With this seminar we pursue the goal of developing the topic of personnel management for nursing staff who are at the beginning of their career, in order to be able to act competently and client-oriented in this conflict-ridden situation.
Kreiskliniken Reutlingen GmbH
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Programm in Leadership and Education / teaching / Training
St. Josefs-Hospital Wiesbaden Group
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We want to empower nurses and midwives. We are especially working with partners that are essential for german nursing politics and nursing science and play an essential role in supporting people in our society. All participants will partake in an empowerment workshop. We want them to become our future leaders, thus they are taking part in different leadership workshops in our group, not only as guests but as active attendees. For achieving insights, they will be visiting different organizations. We want all participants to take part at the „Deutscher Pflegetag 2020“, which is the main nursing congress in Germany.
There are 29 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are planning a program which contains six core modules. We provide different trainings, work shadowing, web sessions and networking to develop their full potential and skills. Our participants will gain some knowledge about different areas of a hospital, for example accounting, controlling, and management. Furthermore, the trainings include topics like leadership, change management and process management. Every module will be evaluated in form of a survey. At the end of our program we will appreciate the outstanding engagement of our participating nurses in a ceremony.
L&W Intensivpflegedienst GmbH
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
we want to qualifying the under 35 nurses in Leadership. there is a program for the qualification and these 3 are accompanied by experienced executives and undergo a trainee program in the company.
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We want to educate and train 2 of our nursing practicing professionals in leadership.
Öldrunarheimili Akureyrar
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Akureyri Hospital
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our plan is to focus on the young generation of nurses and midwives and find out where their emphasis is. We want to know what we can do in order to engage them better and let them feel more valued as members of a team. We are also eager to provide them with more education in order to strengthen them and let them feel more empowered. Part of that would be to look at mentoring them and provide them with more support and feedback. We need to listen to the voices of the young nurses and midwives and that will be our aim!
The Welfare Department, City of Reykjavik
There are 27 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Primary Health Care of the Capital Area in Iceland
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The program we will provide for the Nightingale Challenge will consist of monthly activities for nurses and midwives aged 35 and under. The activities will promote the young nurses and midwives as leaders, practitioners and advocates in health. The program will contain lectures, visits to the scene of events, group dynamics and leadership tasks. There are about 190 nurses and midwives working at the organization. Thereof are 30 nurses and midwives 35 years and younger. They will all be invited to participate in the program and all the nursing leaders in the organization will play a role in organizing the activities.
Heilbrigðisstofnun Suðurnesja / Sudurnes Hospital & Health Center
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Landspitali University Hospital
There are 23 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our activities will be based on evidence literature in leadership and adult education, reflection, critical thinking and evidence based practice. There will be some projects, reading articles and books, lectures, mentoring, workshops and visits to government institutions. The participants will have opportunity to visit and follow their ideal leader at the hospital. For each month will be a special theme to focus on and participants can write their reflection in a diary, do some special projects at each participant ward and as well as a common project in the team for the hospital.
School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Galway
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
St. James’s Hospital
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Shadowing different multidisciplinary teams/departments (Human Resources, Quality and Safety directorate, Pain and Epilepsy team etc.), Attending senior level meetings (Nursing Executive meeting, Hospital Safety Committee meetings etc.), Attending block week in May 2020 which would include topics on personal professional development, management, leadership, research and innovation, project management, quality improvement projects, resource allocation in acute healthcare organisation etc., Access to local, National and International online courses, Visit and attend half day programme in Department of Health and Chief Nursing Office, Visit Coroners Court, Attend Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses study day and nursing conference hosted by the Hospital. Maintain learning log/Reflective Journal on the Hospital Learning Management System. Acting as Clinical Nurse Manager for 1 day, Establish and maintain personal and professional portfolio, Undertake 1 quality improvement project and present poster at the research seminar that will be exclusively held for Nightingale nurses in November 2020, Note: Many more short courses and activities are being planned.
Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nightingale Challenge to encourage, enable develop the next generation of nurses to play a bigger role in influencing health direction and policy. The Nightingale Challenge is purposed with leadership and development training; delivered through courses, shadowing, mentoring or learning from other senior nurses. The CNO has accepted the NC to support and develop the next generation of nurses during the Year of the Nurse 2020. The Programme will be open to: registered nurses less then 10 years qualified. Criteria for selection will be based on the short statement of intent made by applicants. Each applicant will require their employers support to engage with the programme. Applications will be advertised through social media and senior nurse groups. There will be 5 nurses on the programme. The Programme will include Q1 2020 – 1 day of learning from CNO, DCNO and project officers in DoH. Topic of nurses in politics, policy and shaping the future. Q1 2020 – shadowing of CNO and DCNOs for a week Q2 2020 – 1 day of learning from Senior nurses and Nightingale Fellows. Topics of leadership in healthcare, career development and Q3 2020 – 1 day of learning with Senior nurses and academics. Q4 2020- group presentation at CNO conference.
UL Hospitals Group
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
University of Limerick Hospital Group are excited to be part of the Nightingale challenge and commit to support 20 staff as follows: Adapt existing leadership programmes 1:1 collaborative with a member of senior nurse management team to support leadership growth and development Mentorship from member of senior nurse management team Participate in Professional Nursing & Midwifery Council Short secondments with members of the executive management team - Day In Life Of, Shadowing Include as a member of organisation wide committees and councils
Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
RCSI Hospital Group
There are 36 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Delivered over 26 weeks, The RCSI Hospital Group Nightingale Challenge incorporates a variety of teaching and learning strategies including online study days, practice-based learning, and mentoring. Five themed days are sequenced across the programme covering topics such as nursing and midwifery priorities locally and globally, quality improvement, leadership, communicating in a variety of media, and caring for yourself while caring for others. Congruent with the aim of the Nightingale Challenge, and supported by a repository of documentary and multi-media resources, the programme is structured so participants develop the competence and capacity to become reflective, self-directed leaders in their own learning. As the programme progresses, the participant will actively engage their new knowledge and skills to solve a local leadership issue, which they will then present to their peers using a medium of their choice. On completion of this programme, the early career nurse and midwife will be able to: Appreciate the historical and contemporary significance of nursing and midwifery to the delivery of healthcare in Ireland and internationally Understand the key findings of the State of the Worlds Nursing Report (World Health Organisation, 2020) and their relation to health policy locally and globally Explain the nursing and midwifery priorities for the RCSI Hospital Group Understand the importance of audit, continuous quality improvement and evidence informed practice Better understand self and others and the contribution that different team members can make by identifying with key leadership theories and styles Seek out, appraise, and utilise best evidence from a variety of sources Critically apply quality improvement methodology and influencing and negotiating skills to monitor, manage and give momentum to quality improvement projects at local level Value the importance of self-care including resilience and mindfulness Share their learning with others using a variety of media
Galway Clinic Ireland
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We have planned a leadership development programme for newly appointed nursing managers and emerging leaders from practice. The programme involves exploration of leadership and transformational theories and work-based mentoring and support. Programme will be evaluated using Active Learning practice and person-centred principles.
Division of Hospitals, Ministry of Health
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
University of Milano – Bicocca
There are 300 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Webinars, simulations, meetings, role playing
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The aim of the training session is to combine nurses and midwives’ knowledge in terms of management, research, training, budgeting, clinical risk, human resource management and organizational mood. The course is divided into six days of 8 hours each and will run from September to December 2020. Teachers involved will be nurses, midwives, researchers, psychologists, administrative staff whose role is the one of managers of services or departments of the Foundation IRCCS Ca’ Granda - Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Participants will be selected among nurses and midwives under 35, with a first or second level university training and who are interested in carrying out the role of charge nurse or senior midwife in their future career.
ASST Cremona – Regione Lombardia
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Provincia Lombardo Veneta Ordien Osp.San Giovanni di Dio FBF- Ospedale “Sacra Famiglia”
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our Hospital has decided to partecipate in the Nightingale Cahallenge program for the development of the leadership of Young nurses and midwives by organizing specific training courses on the subject. 30 nurses and midwives have been enrolled onto Learning and development programme.
CNAI – Italian Nursing Association
There are 90 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
As partecipant to nighintgale challenge, and as Nursing Now lead for Italy, we h continue with new courses connected to nursing now challenge.
ASST Ovest Milanese
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Involvement of the STRATEGIC DIRECTION - Mapping of nurses and midwives aged within 3 years in the company - Definition of time schedule - Course planning
Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale (ASST) dei Sette Laghi
There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are going to publicize the initiative to all ASST dei Sette Laghi nurses and midwives (November). The aim is to support the growth of young nurses and midwives in clinical settings willing to be motivators and clinical facilitators in their respective areas/units/services. Selection of candidates will follow (December). From January we plan to organise one or two modules (min 20, max 40 participants) of continuous education on creative leadership. We would like to stimulate participants to activate project works for improving clinical practice. Some of these projects will be presented in a planned celebration for 2020 International Nurses Day.
There are 24 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 114 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda
There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
A.S.S.T. Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda has accepted the Nightingale Challenge 2020! In Niguarda work about 500 nurses and 13 midwives under35. Our first planned action it will be spread the Nursing Challenge’ message by way of Niguarda’ social media (Facebook and Instagram), creating at least 15 post during 2020 for each social, and we will contact all Niguarda’s nurses and midwives under35. Our second planned action will be do a first Workshop on May 12th regarding Clinical Leadership, Management Leadership and Empowerment. It will be possible to repeat the conference in October 2020. We want to reach at least 200 young colleagues.
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The aim of the training session is to combine nurses and midwives’ knowledge in terms of management, research, training, budgeting, clinical risk, human resource management and organizational mood. The course is divided into six days of 8 hours each and will run from September to December 2020. Teachers involved will be nurses, midwives, researchers, psychologists, administrative staff whose role is the one of managers of services or departments of the Foundation IRCCS Ca’ Granda - Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Participants will be selected among nurses and midwives under 35, with a first or second level university training and who are interested in carrying out the role of charge nurse or senior midwife in their future career.
ASST Centro Specialistico Ortopedico Traumatologico Gaetano Pini/CTO
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Middle management training course
ASST degli Spedali Civili di Brescia
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
IRCCS Polyclinic San Matteo Hospital Pavia
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST Franciacorta
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII
There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST Cremona – Regione Lombardia
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST del Garda
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST di Mantova
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ASST Nord Milano
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Ferrara
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Ferrara
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
NJSC Astana Medical University
There are 1183 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Centre hospitalier du Luxembourg
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
the Luxembourg Hospital Center (CHL) will develop several training axes around Leadership - The ambitious training plan updated annually according to CHL guidelines: it focuses on the development of nursing skills - Incentive to the realization of diploma training and development of these training by the CHL Académy: promotion of the winners (whose 10 years we celebrate in 2020) - Collaboration with universities within the framework of courses relating to nursing leadership Implementation of online courses (MOOC) Cycle of conferences in 2020 focused on the nursing professions Internal communication plan around health professions within the framework of the International Year 2020 for midwives and nurses Work in collaboration with the federation of hospitals of Luxembourg and the other hospitals of Luxembourg around the International Year 2020 of midwives and nurses The CHL has been JCI accredited since 2018
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
There are 53 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Reinier van Arkel
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Short program description GGzE (Netherlands, Eindhoven) Nightingale Challenge 2020 · Informative, interactive sessions matched to the CanMeds-rolls o Guestspeakers, experts o Various working methods o Use of literature o Connecting with personal role development and working environment · Coaching focussing on personal nursing identity, development of the profession, leadership o Small groups with a set coach (nursing background) for each group · Jobshadowing o Day with fellow nurse from different department · Subscription of 1 year to Nurse Academy GGz · Two day trip, overnight stay o For instance visit to another organisation or convention o Sociable, informal gathering · Festive closing, proof of participation
Northern Ireland
Department of Health and Social Care, Northern Ireland
There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Following on from the CPD accredited 2 year 'Nightingale Challenge Northern Ireland Global Leadership Development Programme' and the 'Global Associates Programme', an alumni network and programme of events for the participants is being organised.
Northern health and social care
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Northern Trust Nightingale Challenge As part of the ‘2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife’ celebrations, the Northern Health and Social Care Trust will be participating in various exciting programmes as part of the Nursing Now campaign. 4 Nurses and a Midwife have confirmed places on the Regional Global Leadership Development Programme (Nursing Now Northern Ireland), developed by Catherine Hannaway, Global Health Consultant. At an organisational level the Northern Trust will also be launching The 2020 Northern Trust Nightingale Challenge programme ‘20 Staff / 20 Events / 2020’. This programme will include 5 main themes from Nursing Now: Nursing the World to Health, Homeless Health, Valuing Diversity, Enabling Professionalism and Leadership Behaviours. The Nightingale Challenge programme will be practice focused and driven by the Northern Nightingale participants through connecting, learning and reflecting. The participants will develop their understanding of leadership behaviours throughout the year underpinned by of the nine dimensions of The Healthcare Leadership Model and the HSC Collective Leadership Strategy. A calendar of events has been created for the Northern Nightingale’s relating to their area of expertise and relating to the Nursing Now themes where they can experience what nursing leadership looks like within and beyond their usual areas of practice. The participants will use the programme of events to explore, describe and demonstrate what professionalism looks like in everyday practice. They will also use the Healthcare Leadership Model to direct their learning throughout the year, by reflecting on the framework at each learning opportunity and using the model to help form their learning portfolio, identifying their achievements and areas for development. The Northern Nightingales will promote and celebrate the profession of nursing and midwifery by sharing their learning at various strategic events and on social media platforms. Examples of the learning opportunities on the Calendar of Opportunities are; Local and regional conferences and annual events, Trust Leadership Walkarounds, RCN Leadership Challenge Programme, Collective Leadership Workshop, Field Hospital Leadership Day, Health and Wellbeing events such as Schwartz Rounds, Community Public Health events and a Nightingale Challenge Parkrun, IQI events and engaging in QI projects in their area, Job Swap to experience a ‘day in the life of’ another discipline, engaging in executive meetings such as the Nursing and Midwifery Executive Team Meeting, and participating in World Health Days.
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are delighted to be a part of the Nightingale Challenge. Using a collective leadership approach through the Healthcare Leadership Model (2017) our programme ‘SHSCT Nightingale Challenge 20 events for 20 staff in 2020’ offers our young nurses and midwives opportunities including field leadership challenges, interactive sessions including quality improvement awareness, disability awareness, support through coaching and action learning as well as attendance at key conferences regionally. Linked to a senior nurse they will have opportunities to shadow different senior nursing roles and gain insight into nursing leadership as well as opportunities to reflect on their development throughout the year.
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
José de Mello Saúde
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Jose de Mello Saúde is the largest private healthcare system in Portugal, including public-private partnerships. We have also a training department, CUF Academic and Research Medical Center that promotes differentiated training in partnership with colleges. The mission of about 1600 nurses, is to provide nursing care to help conserve life, alleviate suffering and promote health through the permanent pursuit of excellence in professional practice, supported by a evidence-based practice in a sustainable manner. Through a 150-hour program, we want to include in the Nightingale Challenge 20 nurses. In this program we will highlight themes based on Clinical Leadership, Communication, Innovation and Technology and Health and Well-being as we consider them the key health challenges for tomorrow's leaders.
Order of Nurses and Midwives of Romania
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
platform for sharing stories of nursing activities -conference event celebrating nursing contribution -training program on leadership -partnership with national stakeholders (,Ministry of Health) -nurse participation to WHO Assembly in 2020 -dissemination of the nursing challenge to regional level and to health facilities employers
State Autonomous Healthcare Institution of the Tyumen Region “Multidisciplinary Consultative and Diagnostic Center”
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
“City Polyclinic No. 17”
There are 122 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The main new principles of work in nursing are the introduction of innovative approaches to lean production. The clinic has implemented thrift approaches in carrying out preventive measures among adults and children. Both nurses and patients report a positive result at work, obviously increasing patient satisfaction with the provision of medical care.Polyclinic No. 17 has been participating in the project of introduction of lean technologies since the beginning of 2018. in 2018, our institution implemented projects on preventive work among adults and children, improvement of preventive work of the adult population, organization of vaccination of the adult population, including at the expense of personal funds of citizens, preventive examinations of minors aged 1 month and 1 year, preventive inspections of the organized children's population.
GBUZ TO “Regional Hospital No. 9” (v. Vagay)
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
GBUZ Republic of Mordovia “Ambulance Station”
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
GBUZ of the Republic of Mordovia “Children’s Clinic №1”
There are 1 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Mordovia “Zubovo-Polyanskaya District Hospital”
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
GAUZ TO “Regional Dermatovenerological Dispensary”
There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Implementation of a program to introduce innovative technologies in nursing
BUZOO “City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after A. Kabanov”
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
As part of the Nightingale Challenge program, we plan to create a training program for the formation and development of leadership qualities in young nurses in order to prepare a reserve of nursing staff leaders to create prospects for their successful careers, to improve management processes in our medical organization, and to increase the prestige of nursing specialists.
GBUZ TO “Perinatal Center” (Tyumen)
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nursing deeply premature babies at the present stage is not a myth or a fairy tale. Modern equipment and qualified specialists are able to organize an effective process of caring for premature babies in a critical period of their life. In the future, the care of the child lies entirely on the shoulders of the parents, and his condition depends on the observance of the characteristics of the care. At home, requires parents attentiveness and patience, as well as a number of knowledge and skills. As part of our project, Parents of a Squash, we, nurses, are ready to teach parents the practical skills of caring for a premature baby, talk about the features of their fragile body, as well as provide emotional support and answer parents' urgent questions.
GBUZ TO “Regional Hospital No. 23”
There are 1 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our hospital needs an organizational and methodological department, in order to increase the professional level and quality of work of the hospital’s nursing staff, to study the experience of advanced practical healthcare technologies, to provide measures to improve professional knowledge, practical skills of nursing staff and to monitor their activities.
“Regional hospital No. 4” (Ishim city)
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
State Budgetary Institution of Health “Regional Hospital No. 14 named after V.N. Shanaurin” (v. Kazanskoe)
There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The main direction of the project is career guidance activities to attract high school students to the profession. This will increase the status of a nurse, help replenish the staff serving the rural population, where 50% of nurses of retirement age work. It is planned to organize a club for young doctors. They will teach patients care techniques, perform simple procedures, conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation, conduct excursions to departments, the hospital’s health museum, and organize meetings with professionals who talk about their profession. Nurses will be able to study in large clinics, communicate with representatives of public organizations, take part in international webinars and conferences to develop communication skills and leadership potential, and will grow professionally by exchanging knowledge and ideas with colleagues from other clinics.
Tyumen Region Medical Clinical Multidisciplinary Center “Medical city “
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
BUZOO “BSMP Group No. 1”
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
1. To send young specialists to events with the participation of representatives of the nursing and midwifery professions. 2. Support the research and innovation initiatives of young professionals. 3. To attract young specialists to participate in meetings with representatives of the administration, the media, well-known public figures and professionals in medical activities. 4. Organize a program of internships and exchange of young specialists between medical organizations, between social and medical services. 5. To attract young specialists to the solution of tasks relevant to the head of the medical organization - development of strategies and participation in workshops. 6. Attract young professionals to participate in interactive sessions with the leadership of the medical organization. 7. Conduct trainings on the development of medical personnel. 8. Carrying out activities to develop certain aspects of management, leadership, innovation and personal development.
GBUZ TO “Regional narcological dispensary”
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Objectives: 1. To support research and innovative initiatives of young specialists in the field of quality and safety of medical care. 2. Create a training case for medical workers on the effectiveness of the quality of medical care in the GBUZ TO OND 3. To attract young specialists to solving tasks that are urgent for the head of the clinic - participation in workers with
State budgetary institution of health care of the Tyumen region “Regional hospital No. 3” (Tobolsk)
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
development of personal, managerial and leadership skills - Promotion of innovative initiatives of young specialists aimed at the quality and safety of medical care - cooperation with the university, medical college on the formation of a management program for young professionals by attracting students - participation in the mentoring program for young professionals when working with students. attracting young specialists to work with the administration of the institution, the media, the city administration, public organizations of the city and region, as well as with obstetric and nursing professionals - to improve the professional qualifications of young specialists by conducting master classes, trainings, distance learning courses, interactive sessions, etc. - interaction with other medical organizations for internships and exchange of experience
Tobolsk branch of state budget institutions the Tyumen region health “Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital” (branch number 2)
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The goal - to establish a fund capable, effective leaders in the field of health. Tasks: 1. The establishment of harmonious and comprehensive development of the personality, creative thinking, capable of self-improvement and self-realization, which has responsibility and civic consciousness, high social activity of students. 2. The creation of opportunities for professional growth, conditions for the development of leadership qualities, stimulating the development of students' needs in the service of society.
State Autonomous Healthcare Institution “City Polyclinic 5”
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Preventive work with the ascribed population of the territorial clinic. "Patient of the future"
KGBUZ “USSURI Central City Hospital”
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
GAPOU TO “Tobolsk Medical College named after Volodya Soldatov”
There are 1 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth. "Partnership birth. Myths and reality." Methods of non-drug analgesia in childbirth.
Privat clinic “RZD-Medicine” in Tyumen
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our company planning establish a two-way dialogue between hospital management and young staff. We want to suppot innovative initiatives and increase the involvement of employees in the our organization life.
GBUZ TO Regional Hospital №19
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Young specialists of GBUZ TO Regional Hospital No. 19 have joined the Nightingale Challenge International Program. On January 14, 2020, the second meeting of young leaders led by the chief nurse was held to create, form and implement the project of the Academy of Men's Health. We want to instill men's commitment to caring for their health. Thus, to increase attendance in the offices of early detection of the disease of the male population of the Tyumen region. To implement this project, we will form a reserve of young nurses and midwives as leaders, practitioners and advocates for health promotion. Our task is a healthy male generation of the Tyumen region from the cradle to old age.
Department of Health of the Tyumen region State budgetary healthcare institution REGIONAL CLINICAL MENTAL HOSPITAL
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth. "Partnership birth. Myths and reality." Methods of non-drug analgesia in childbirth.
Moscow Nurses Association
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The youth sector of Moscow nurses is an association of proactive specialists up to 35 years old within the framework of a public organization. The goal is to support young specialists, build on their professional, leadership, organizational and communication skills, interact for professional growth and development. Tasks: 1. Identification of relevant problems of young professionals using regular poll; 2. Implementation of projects to improve theoretical and practical skills, exchange of experience (free workshops, seminars, conferences); 3. Funding the participation of young specialists in professional events; 4. Increasing the prestige of the profession; 5. Participation of young specialists in solving professional problems.
BUZOO Center for Medical Rehabilitation MZOO
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Association of Nurses of Ivanovo Region
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
2020 International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. In 2020 in support of the youth specialist will be navigate the following measures: will be organization "Round Tables" (not later than every two years), consultations focusing on aspects to develop youth specialist, celebration of becoming into the profession, training programmes and master-classes Implementation of simple medical services.
Regional clinical hospital №2
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our project is the development of young specialists with secondary medical education, as part of the project "Leadership and the formation of a personnel reserve." For our organization, the development of this direction will become a priority. Specialists under 35 years of age will receive trainings, master classes, lectures with representatives of the United Russia party, with leaders in nursing, who will be able to give advice on how to achieve success as a leader. Also for projects, we assume the possibility of sharing work experience in other organizations, not only medical, but also other public organizations.
GBUZ TO “Regional Hospital No. 23”
There are 1 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our hospital needs an organizational and methodological department, in order to increase the professional level and quality of work of the hospital’s nursing staff, to study the experience of advanced practical healthcare technologies, to provide measures to improve professional knowledge, practical skills of nursing staff and to monitor their activities.
Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital
There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
“Regional hospital No. 4” (Ishim city)
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Regional Clinical Hospital №1
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Regional clinical hospital No. 1 , Tyumen. In December 2019, she registered on the site to participate in the mass nursing movement Nursing Now. Nurses started working on the project "Modern model of nursing care "Clinical nurse". The goal of our project is to update and deepen the role of a nurse in the treatment and diagnostic process and increase patient satisfaction with the quality of medical care. For this we offer: to expand the functional responsibilities of nurses, effective use of time and a qualified nurse to achieve personal responsibility for a patient, with follow-up of patients from time of admission until discharge. The goal of the project is to Introduce an innovative model of nurses ' work based on the principle of "universal nurse", based on the analysis of patient problems. Project objective: 1. Development of a method of nursing analysis and solving patient problems, as well as an innovative model of nurses ' work based on the principle of "universal nurse". 2. Organization of a group to implement a model of nurses ' work based on the principle of "universal nurse", based on the analysis of the patient's problems. 3. Assessment of the degree of readiness of the internal environment of a medical organization to implement an innovative model. 4. The establishment of a coordinating and educational center for the training of universal nurses. 5. Introduction of a model of nurses ' work based on the principle of "universal nurse", based on the analysis of the patient's problems. 6. Monitoring the model of nurses ' work based on the principle of "universal nurse", based on the analysis of patient problems, for the analysis of clinical effectiveness. 7. Summarizing the results of the clinical effectiveness analysis. The innovative model of nurses ' work based on the principle of "universal nurse", based on the analysis of the patient's problems, in practice allows changing the traditional model of the nurse's activity to a patient-oriented one, i.e. the patient is at the center of all efforts and all types of activities of the nursing staff. One of the advantages of this organizational model is that, in the end, all nurses in the Department can perform dressings, injections, infusions and carry out care activities on the principle of interchangeability. In addition, the niversal nurse is able to determine whether the patient can perform various physical activities, primarily for self-service, identify mental health problems, and monitor the effectiveness of rehabilitation, adaptation of the patient in society, assess the quality of his life, and determine the amount and content of care outside the medical organization.
Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) Medical center
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Speaking at conferences, sharing experiences with other hospitals, creating a reserve for managers
Nursing Studies, The University of Edinburgh
There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Post graduate course delivery Nursing and Global Health Policy: Developing your Political Leadership to Post graduate nurses. Developing student nurse ambassador roles within the Edinburgh Global Nursing Initiative to promote understanding of impact and opportunities for nurses and midwives across the globe. Further initiatives planned led by Dr Catherine Clarissa, Lecturer in Nursing Studies and Professor Aisha Holloway.
Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland has just launched a call for nominations for the 2020 Queen's Nurse programme. This is a nine month development programme for nurses, midwives and health visitors based in Scotland's communities. Practitioners undertake a transformational journey around making a difference; bringing others with them; tenacity and resilience; and reflecting deeply. During the programme they are working on an issue for improvement, co-producing a way forward with their communities. At the end of the programme they join a growing movement of Queen's Nurses who are working together as change agents, committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland.
NHS Lothian
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Develop a bespoke programme integrating elements of the exsiting NHS Lothian Leadership & Management Framework, whilst working in partnership with three local universities to develop master classes, shadowing opportunities and mentorship
NHS Forth Valley
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
NHS Tayside
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Participants engaging with our programme will have the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally by growing their leadership potential through active participation in the following components: Knowing and developing self Leading change and teams Developing person centred cultures through flourishing Action learning One to one support through buddying with local leaders Shadowing experience Participating in (as a delegate) a conference/event relevant to area of practice Participation and sharing of learning at celebration event Successful completion will enable participants to demonstrate high quality, compassionate, person- centred clinical leadership
Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland has just launched a call for nominations for the 2020 Queen's Nurse programme. This is a nine month development programme for nurses, midwives and health visitors based in Scotland's communities. Practitioners undertake a transformational journey around making a difference; bringing others with them; tenacity and resilience; and reflecting deeply. During the programme they are working on an issue for improvement, co-producing a way forward with their communities. At the end of the programme they join a growing movement of Queen's Nurses who are working together as change agents, committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland.
Meallmore Ltd
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Meallmore ltd have created a dedicated Nurse Development Programme which will promote growth in leadership and team management. Our accredited Leadership and Management course will also be open to our nurses. We have opportunities through our Champion’s framework for nurses to shine and specialise. We are also involving our nurses in Clinical Governance and policy development projects.
University Clinical Center Maribor
There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Escuela Enfermería Fundación Jiménez Díaz UAM
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
School of Nursing, University of Barcelona
There are 3 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Institut Català de la Salut
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
ADeNfermer@ Asociacion Nacional Despertando Enfermeria in affiliation with Official College of Nursing of Alicante/Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Alicante
There are 42 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Asociación Nacional Despertando Enfermeria (ADeNfermer@) conecta con líderes de Enfermeria en Investigación, Expertos en Vacunas, Docencia, Asistencial y Gestión. Somos expertos en cuidados. Comprometidos con la Salud de la población desde la lactancia hasta la muerte del individuo. Promoción directa y acciones para beneficiar a la población en Salud. Incluimos la escuela y adolescentes. Implicados en aumentar las coberturas vacunales con información veraz y docencia. Cuidamos con calidad y seguridad del paciente. Integramos la Enfermera de práctica avanzada en cada acto de nuestro dia a dia. Motivación, liderazgo e inclusión siendo el corazón del sistema sanitario. Enfermeras Agentes de cambio en esta transformación sanitaria inminente.
Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will encourage participation in leadership training so that nurses can lead from the same day to day, to more general aspects until we reach positions of command. We will facilitate the promotion to new jobs and/or improve existing ones. We will make social media actions more visibility.
Centro Universitario de Enfermería Salus Infirmorum – Cádiz
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nursing Meeting: empowerment, autonomy and leadership of the nursing profession Nursing Training
Parc de Salut Mar. Barcelona
There are 34 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
1. Enrolling young nurses to a Nursing Leadership course offered by a training company which made an agreement with the Nursing Now Spanish Group. 2. Giving internal scholarship to 12 new graduate nurses. These scholarships full time contract at the hospital for two years with a personal mentor and an especial training programme specific for them. 3. Offering to all nurses under 35years old to do a management online training use in our organization for a new managers. 4. Developing a special strategy to enroll young nurses to participate to multidisciplinary work groups and commissions from our organization.
Hospital Universitario Joan XXIII de Tarrragona ICS
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Training courses in: Advanced Practice in Nursing Communication training and Clinical and Management Leadership Acts for the International Day of Nursing (from 11 to 15 May) Local newspapers, networks, etc ...
Hospital Rio Carrión Palencia
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
FGS Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nurses enrolled in the trainning and development programmes will recieve formation by a internal institutional course of leadership.
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nightingle Challenge at Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova will mean interventions such as: Developing transformational nursing leadership course. Nursing leadership mentoring team for future leaders. Participation in regional nursing leadership educational programs. Promotion of nursing future leaders in Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova Nursing sesions programme.
Área de Salud de Menorca
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
A training course in care leadership is proposed for healthcare personnel and thus establish quality indicators in health for our users
Hospital Universitari de Santa Maria de Lleida. Gestió de Serveis Sanitaris
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
OBJECTIVE Contribute to the development of the next generation of nursing as leaders. COMPETENCES TO BE DEVELOPED Taking into account that in our organization we have a dictionary of skills that describes excellent behaviors, we propose to develop the selected professionals in leadership, communication, persuasion, teamwork, flexibility and change management, emotion management, improvement of relationships. On the other hand, we consider that it is necessary to know methodology for innovation, LEAN and Agile. METHODOLOGY • Training workshops • Mentoring • Open Mind Program RESULTS Each participant will be asked for an innovation project.
Área de Salud de Mérida del Servicio Extremeño de Salud
There are 15 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Servicio Canario de la Salud
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Servicio Extremeño de Promoción de la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia (SEPAD)
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Residential Care, pluripatology, resource management, health education, university teaching, research
Vinalopó University Hospital
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
“We want you to inspire us” Overall objective: •Attract nurses and midwives from our organization to develop skills to expand their knowledge and increase potential leadership. Specific objectives: •Promote the culture of promoting talent in the organization. •Develop a training program based on the principles of “inspiring leadership”. •Train participants with tools that increase their management and vision for leadership. Activities: 1. Program of inclusion of participants "Talent Nurse Hunter". 2. Two face-to-face training courses (12 hours each) related to leadership skills development. a. Flow learning to enjoy b. Creativity to Innovate 3. Online seminar: Main bases of inspiring leadership
Institut Català de la Salut
There are 75 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Activity1. Training course on leadership. Activity 2. Training course on messages to the media. Activity 3. Training program on managment&leadership.
Gerencia Atención Primaria de Mallorca
There are 212 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Day "Nurse Day" the month of May. - Leadership training aimed at nurses responsible for health centers in Mallorca. - Strengthen the home nurse through the Technical Commission of Home Care of the Primary Care Management of Mallorca formed by different health professionals (nurses, doctors, social workers, ..). - Work to improve the provision of nurses and midwives in primary care. - Strengthen the nurse specializing in family and community care in Primary Care of Mallorca (increase in resident positions, and offer the opportunity to work in primary care). Promote teamwork through different actions such as training, participation in multidisciplinary commissions and the promotion of meetings between primary care teams. - Carry out weekly clinical training based on evidence and practice "do not do" aimed at all primary care professionals. - Include citizens in health projects through the Active Patient, Active Health program, participation in the development of guides and research projects.
Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We are going to provide a leadership development course, with practical and real cases activities, to all nurses in our organization. This learning program is focused on different levels of management and leadership, with patient education, within nurse team or other health care professionals and with the overall Health care System. It is important nurses achieve the abilities and knowledge to manage new health and social challenges .
Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will encourage participation in leadership training so that nurses can lead from the same day to day, to more general aspects until we reach positions of command. We will facilitate the promotion to new jobs and/or improve existing ones. We will make social media actions more visibility.
Organización Sanitaria Integrada Araba/Integrated Health Organization Araba
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We will invite 20 nurses and midwifes aged 35 and under to enroll in a training course on nursing leadership related to the health policies in osakidetza (Basque Health Service) and relational and teamwork skills. Later they will rotate with nursing management professionals in our organization with the aim of transferring the theory to practice and designing an innovation and / or improvement project for their unit or organization. It will be accompanied by general sessions on nursing leadership in our environment, minimum 6 per year. It is included in the nursing management plan of our organization, under development and improvement since 2018.
There are 12 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
1.- Developing a book of nurse leadership based on ethics and personal values with leading professional authors, we already have an editorial for publication. 2.- We have created a Twitter account with the image of Nursing Now, request information to collaborate in the nurse leadership @NursingNowInfoE 3.- Designing a monographic magazine that will be distributed among citizens through an insurance company. 4.- leading the IV Annual Symposium (2019) of Schools of Health Patients in Spain.
Colegio de Enfermería de Madrid
There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Provide a leadership and development programme for nurses and midwives aged 35 or under in the Community of Madrid. - The programme will consist in formal courses about leadership depending on local needs. - Our institution wants to contribute to Nursing Now's goals.
Fundació Sanitària de Mollet
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Fundació Sanitaria Mollet proposes a leadership and development program (Nursing Now) for 10 nurses and midwifes. The proposed methodology will combine the most theoretical learning with the most interactive and experiential learning, in order to create learning opportunities related to 5 areas of knowledge: 1) Professional competences related to the nursing profession (healthcare, management, teaching and research) 2) Leadership 3) Ecology and emotional intelligence 4) Attitudes and communication skills 5) Other significant experiences of Nursing Now The learning methodology contemplates the collaboration of professionals from all those disciplines that can give support in leadership and the empowerment of the profession.
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía
There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Nurses and midwives local training (Salusplay): Leadership care program. Mentoring, between seniors and news at the start of their new responsibilities. International Nursing Day, "Leading with evidence" presenting successful experiences of nursing leadership. Participation in BPSO with three evidence-based nurse practice guides. Restart of the Area Care Commission to improve continuity of care. Welcome plan for new professionals to get to know and get involved in our leadership style. Other activities of the Official College of Nursing, Group of Directors of National Nursing (Oligopsonio), congresses, awards, and so on.
Organización Sanitaria Integrada EECruces
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We plan to develop a training program that includes seminars, online training, breakfast with leaders, We are interested in sharing experiences on topics such as: Professional practice models Knowledge management Healthy work environment Management indicators
Hospital Central Cruz Roja San José y Santa Adela
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Develop leadership training programs by means of online and presential courses. Promote formation in total quality management. Invite nurses to hospital decision forums. Host scientific nursing conference for establishing discussion forums.
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Specific training in leadership; participation in dissemination and visibility activities; development of management projects and quality of nursing services
Fundació Hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Martorell
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
There are 39 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We offer a transition program to newly incorporated nurses, for 12-18 months. The program has a university character and includes a six-month management training package. This package is comprised of: training in nurse leadership, healthcare improvement and patient safety, decision making, motivation and person / family-centered care. The teaching methodology combines expository-colloquium classes, personal study and group work.
Hospital Universitario Sagrado Corazon
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Hospital Cruz Roja Cordoba
There are 5 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Enfermería (FUDEN)
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
From the Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Enfermería (FUDEN) set up a training program whose contents are related to the figure of the leader and his development, as well as the management of teams and their performance. We use the blended methodology combining virtual learning environments and theoretical-practical workshops. We integrate clinical simulation using the latest technology available to practice patient safety skills and team training, coaching aimed at managing emotions and developing communication skills, essential requirements for leadership training.
Asociación Nacional de Directivos de Enfermería (ANDE)
There are 200 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
La Asociación Nacional de Directivos de Enfermería (ANDE), an association of Spanish nurse managers, to develop the Nightingale Challenge, has created an accredited, innovative and experiential program, called “The Journey of the Leading Nursing”. It will be a unique experience for the young nurses selected as they will participate in a 30-hour training program over 2 months, in a blended format, in which the high-impact leadership will work. This program includes a part of mentoring and experiential experience with the nurse management leaders of the Institutions, in which the people of the ANDE Board of Directors will also be protagonists and key to this program since they will be the mentors of the young nurses. They will receive leadership training, work skills, have networking spaces, round tables with Nursing Directors and work with multiple educational resources.
Clinica de Ponent
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Our organization is actively coordinated with the Official College of Nurses of Lleida, with whom it shares a strategy of visualization of the Nursing Now campaign and the Nightingaler Challege. In this regard, our corporation: - Will provide leadership training to novice nurses. - It will facilitate the participation of the Nursing Directorate in a seminar on Advanced Practice Nursing, scheduled for 2020. - Will participate in the dissemination of all the news / activities concerning the local or national Nursing Now groups.
Vithas Lérida
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We plan to conduct a course aimed at nurses and midwives under 35 years of age in leadership strategies and another course in Methodology of care research
Ribera Salud
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
“We want you to inspire us” Overall objective: •Attract nurses and midwives from our organization to develop skills to expand their knowledge and increase potential leadership. Specific objectives: •Promote the culture of promoting talent in the organization. •Develop a training program based on the principles of “inspiring leadership”. •Train participants with tools that increase their management and vision for leadership. Activities: 1. Program of inclusion of participants "Talent Nurse Hunter". 2. Two face-to-face training courses (12 hours each) related to leadership skills development. a. Flow learning to enjoy b. Creativity to Innovate 3. Online seminar: Main bases of inspiring leadership
There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
There are 500 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Training for Quironsalud professionals in: Scientific evidence Leadership Management
Nou Hospital Evangelic
There are 2 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Spitex Aarau
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
- support external leadership training with financial and time-ressources for at least one potential manager - focus on young professionals in internal training - have at least one external speaker adressing leadership issues for all young professionals - address external communication towards young proffessionals, especially in recruiting
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The CHUV plans to train its participants from a curriculum consisting of four distinct axes: The aim is to develop their professional network, to identify the constitutive characteristics of leaders, to integrate reference knowledge on leadership and to be involved in actions in a leadership position. These axes will be broken down through twelve actions, one each month, which will take place during the year 2020. Several healthcare partners, but also other institutions and political, academic and clinical leaders will participate in this wonderful program.
Swiss Nurse Leaders
There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Promotion of young managers in nursing care A) Offer of Workshadowing: Experienced managers offer and enable young colleagues a targeted insight into leadership. The focal points offered and the venues are listed on the website, so that interested young managers can choose according to their needs ( B) Offer symposia on leadership topics: Current leadership topics are discussed in depth and interactive exchange in groups is made possible. These symposia aim young leaders, juniors or nurses interested in take up a leadership role.
Trakya University
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University
There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
We have master & Phd degree programs for registered nurses. These nurses can be developed their leadership and management skills in different nursing platforms with our programs. Besides, we planned to establish association for rehabilitation nursing in our country. We plan to perform a sertificated training in this area for 30 nurses who can be leader in their clinics in rehabilitation nursing.
Cukurova University
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Fırat Üniversitesi
There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Koç University School of Nursing
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
As Koc University School of Nursing, we are running trainings and workshops at our education and research center at SANERC (Semahat Arsel Nursing Education and Research Center) for registered nurses. At SANERC our participants pay to attend our courses in class(in Istanbul) but we can invite some nurses so they can join our courses free of charge. We are accepting participants through webinar for these courses free of charge. This option is available for nurses working at the hospitals in the cities of Turkey where they have limited resources. And in addition to courses at SANERC; As Koç University School of Nursing, we are running mentorship trainings for the nurses working at our affiliate hospital, Koç University Hospital, completely free of charge.
Koç University Hospital
There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
The Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Program (CFRP) is administered by an educator nurse, Dr. Tuğba Pehlivan who is completed her PhD at psychiatric nursing. This program was developed within the scope of the doctoral dissertation and then is started to implement at our hospital in order to strengthen caregivers who are working at oncology-hematology, intensive care unit, pediatric clinic etc where are known to be at risk for compassion fatigue. CFRP is a training program that is aimed to to recognize and deal with compassion fatigue for the caregivers and to provide them the knowledge and skills to improve psychological resilience and so that thay work with the highest level of functionality in the workplace. The same program was given to chief nurses last year, and it was found that compassion fatigue, burnout and stress levels were decreased, and psychological resilience levels were increased of nurses. For this reason, it is aimed to strengthen the team leader nurses within the scope of nursing now nightingale challenge this year by applying the same program. The program is planned as two half days with one week break. First week: Pre-test, Self-introduction by participants, expectations from education, Program introduction, Historical development of compassion fatigue in caregivers, What is compassion fatigue and how it is occurred? Compassion fatigue risk factors, Symptoms of compassion fatigue, To be aware of our own compassion fatigue personal story, Perceived stress and the relationship with the Sympathetic Nervous System (FAQ), Summarizing and ending the session Second week, Evaluation of the previous session. What is compassion fatigue resiliency skills? Self-regulation, Intentionality, Connection and support, Perceptual maturation, Self-care, Designing a self-directed resiliency plan, Summarizing and ending the session, Post-test.
Biruni University
There are 93 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Management and Leadership Development Program Introduction: The program we are aiming to launch cover the clarification of leadership concept which is not complex and can happen day-to day basis anywhere. It may defined as two avenues, where the first one is an academic and the second is the “life learning” avenue. Academic Avenue: The elements in this avenue is partly in place by Post graduate degree programs in Healthcare Management, and will be extended to include leadership development for young Nurses, as a separate item. Life Learning Avenue (interactive): The two main elements here will be the development of mentoring programs for young nurses, and the second item is to provide coaching with the aim to eliminate anxieties in individuals and the organization. It is suggested that coaching using a psychodynamic approach, should be available, in order to better understand oneself and detect the underlying currents flowing through an organization and to pinpoint the real problems affecting the staff, groups and management.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Following our launch of the Nightingale Challenge within BCUHB we have a working group of workforce nursing colleagues who have designed a programme for nurses and midwives qualified within 2 years as an introduction to leadership building on their personal qualities, experiential learning, improving communication skills, coaching and mentoring, Action Learning sets and reflective practice, improvement methodology and confidence building / resilience within our junior nursing teams.
Swansea Bay University Health Board
There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.
Clinical academic development posts are offered for one year to develop research skills and confidence. For one day a week the Band 5 nurse or midwife is engaged in a research and leadership skills development programme. Activities include: • Undertaking leadership training • Shadowing senior nurse/midwife researchers • Networking with clinical researchers • Working with SBUHB clinical research nurses • Working with librarians on a literature search • Developing a research proposal to bid for funding (e.g. PhD) The one year clinical academic post could be the foundation for a research career or enhance career development more broadly.