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Eastern Mediterranean

Eastern Mediterranean Board Members


Professor Rowaida Al-Maaitah

Former Senator and Minister of Higher Education, Jordan

Country: Jordan

Challengers’ Committee: Eastern Mediterranean Regional Hub Co-Chairs


Sana Gul

Country: Pakistan


Dalia Srouji

Country: Jordan


Magdi Yacoub Foundation, Aswan Heart Centre

There are 150 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Our three-year nursing strategic plan (2021-2024) aims to encourage nurses to continue their professional development as clinical leaders through the potential collaboration with the Nursing Now Challenges and Coventry University to develop CPD Modules of nursing leadership and EBP Programmes.

ENNSSA-Egyptian Novice Nurses and Students Scientific Association in affiliation with Suez Canal University Hospital

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

ENNSSA-Egypt has a pleasure to inform you that we are still interested in being a part of the Nightingale Challenge and its global community. we affiliated with Suez Canal University Hospital and accepted the Nightingale Challenge last year to train 25 young nurses, most of them are fresh graduated. all the participants provided us with great feedback.

Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig university

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Magdi Yacoub Foundation

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


University of Sulaimani – College of Nursing (through Public Health Protection Network)

There are nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Raparin University – College of Nursing (through Public Health Protection Network)

There are nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Hawler Medical University – College of Nursing (through Public Health Protection Network)

There are nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

University of Kirkuk

There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The program will include the following: -Seminars and group discussion - Quality and service improvement - To improve a variety of skills selected by local nurses and midwifes to suit their career


Jerash University

There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Jordan university hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

leader ship and management - Main concepts in leadership and management - Operational Planning - Philosophy - Mission, Vision, Objectives, Goals, Core Values - Operational Management - Establishing Policies - Job Description - Scope of practice - Problem solving and decision making - Budgeting. - Ratio, Models of Care - Organizational Structure - Scheduling & Staffing. - Communication - Time management - Conflict management

Royal Medical Services

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Nurses should be full partners, with other health professionals, in redesigning health care in Jordan, So Royal medical services will select a core team of 20 nurses and midwives to be build their capacities as leaders of tomorrow . Management and leadership development opportunities will focus on People and Services Management, Personal Development, Quality Improvement, Coaching and Mentoring. Implemented programs will includes local training in health and business organizations ,mentor ship with leaders ,leadership and management seminars , quality improvement projects, tour visits , attending chief executive board meetings , and sharing experiences in areas related to initiation developmental program

King Abdullah University Hospital

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Leadership and Management Training Course Topics included will be: leadersip theories, Management theories, Decision making & problem solving, Communication, Conflict management, Organizational communication, stress management, Time management, Meeting management, delegation, evidence-based practice, power, politics and influence, time and stress management and Strategic thinking and planning.

Al Essra Hospital Amman Jordan

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Al Essra Hospital is considered one of the best Hospitals in Jordan. The Hospital established to cover national and international patient care throughout 250 professionals and skilled registered nursing and midwifery. Twenty registered nursing and midwifery were selected to take a part in Nightingale Challenge and a meeting to organized the staffs to discuss the programmed for them in 2020. This program will build the confidence and capabilities to support health delivery for patient outcome and enhance in development of the management and leadership skills in nurses and midwifes under age 35 years. The program will take place over three months, 8 hours per week for 7 weeks through learning activities will be utilized including : group discussion, team interacting, assignments in evidence bases and practices, quality’s and safety, -IDP & GDP -Development and Implementation of panel’s, and - Sharing experience with a key figure of Nursing leaders.

Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We will show the audience our work and researches on nurse leaders, as their stress levels and the solutions provided to decrease it. Also, we will present a brief course talking about the management of the crisis and conflicts and how to lead the followers to reach the organizational goals.

The Specialty Hospital

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Nightingale Challenge Training Program 2020 The adaptive training program will work on improving and developing the leadership skills of 20 interested young nurses and midwifes by choosing one nurse from each department, the training program will be run over the period of 6 months in 2020, twice a week over 3 hours for each. The main theme of the program will be: 1. Lectures and group of discussions (part of the lectures about national lows and regulations and international Health and policy makers) 2. Quality improvement project for each 4-5 participants 3. Individual development plan for each participant 4. Hosting one of the nursing leaders figure to reflect positive image of nursing 5. Mentoring for each participants by senior nursing manager 6. Shadowing with one or more of leaders (Nursing Director, Nursing supervisor, Policy Maker, Quality Director, CNS, Nursing Manager…) for 7 days


Royale Hayat Hospital

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Encourage as nurse leaders. Patient centred nursing Proactive management Overcome challenges in nursing


Hopital Aboujaoudé

There are 10 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The training program includes the following activities: - targeted training sessions that deal with nursing management, professional communication, emotional intelligence, culture of belonging, negotiation policy, sustainable development objectives. This program is a mix of formal courses, mentoring, TED talks, and learning from the experience of other professionals. Nurses and midwives are a core in any multi-disciplinary team. By raising their profile and status we can advocate for a safer and healthier care.


OMI Hospital

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

HIMAS College of Nursing

There are nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

You know that many countries in Asia, South Asia having not so good opportunities of nursing society, among them the most abundant counties like afghanistan,bangladesh, india,Pakistan, having not a good nursing society. In these countries they have the old nursing cabinet that's why they didn't provide modern and good health facilities, you know that In Pakistan the BS program in nursing launched newly, before this they have the general nursing. SO I wanna to encourage the nurses in these countries by our hard work and destination with the help of social media and other platforms, by conducting zoom meeting's. In Pakistan the Agha Khan University is only to providing good practical nurses, else but the other institutes and Nursing college's also provide nurses. I gonna to make them more practissnors by conducting face to face meetings by conducting programs and zoom meetings as well,

Health Department Khyber Pakhtoon College of Nursing Peshawar Pakistan

There are 300 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

I will provide professional communication training to the nurses and midwives. Infection prevention measurements Patients sexual health education. Provision of training regarding workplace harassment. Provision of training regarding use of social media. Community awareness among nurses Social cultural issues

Federal General Hospital Chakshazad Islamabad

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Our hospital has approved 20 young nurses for 3 months regular training in leadership & management at Secretariat Institute Islamabad or other renowned universities of Islamabad like NDU or NUST. The course will commence in June 2020.

College of Nursing and Midwifery, Rawalpindi Medical University

There are 50 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

I will have introductory speech with power point presentation on the improvements and up gradation took place in Pakistan after partition like the level of entry criteria,from diploma to degree ,gender inclusion etc. the activities includes group work ,videos on nurses experiences in hospital,communities,industries and even in religious centers that how nurses are contribution into making difference in primary levels as well. I will invite leaders from other walk of life to let them know that what is happening at country,local,national an at international levels. Because in order to join Nursing profession ,people apply from community and they would be helpful to refer people to nursing profession ,this would enable to improve the image of nursing. our talk is an example to allow people to join hands in improving the image of nursing profession. I am thankful to this challenge campaign ,that has awaken nurses from all over the world. I will conduction different introductory sessions about Florence Nightingale challenge to many community base teaching schools and hospitals. There will be group of team to train in this campaigns in small cities and towns in particular.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore

There are 400 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The activities for the Nightingale Challenge more than 400 nurses (under age 35) will be given Training to improve patient care in hospital. Patient Admission and Discharge Communication Skills Patient Safety Fire Safety

Khyber Teaching Hospital

There are 60 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Health aid college of Nursing Islamabad

There are 12 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Maryam Memorial Hospital

There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Shifa International Hospitals Ltd.

There are 40 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

First Leadership Development Programme We are In the early planning stages. We currently do provide some development training for young nurses, so we will look how to build on that - possibly to include a structured leadership development programme, A Conference, mentoring,workshop,motivational activities,Case Presentations etc.We also plan to collaborate such activities with our Shifa College of Nursing.Educating young nurses and giving them a fair chance and a platform for career development.We would also include recognizing nurses as employee of the month to showcase their contribution to the hospital and community in general. Second Leadership Development Programme We plan to provide more updates and wareness to the Nursing challenge.

Prime Institute of Health Sciences

There are 23 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

We the prime institute of health sciences Islamabad Pakistan organize a seminar in February 2020 for nurses on “ Nurse as a leader “ to develope and enhance leadership qualities in young Nurses of the region and to reach the voices of nurses as leader to policy table ..and next phase we will share you our activities plan . We have plan a international Nurses conference in this in our organisation. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement.


Modern University College – Palestine

There are nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

I am planning to get nurses and nurses students to be informed and involved in Nursing Now Challenge. Also, to invest by them to be as nursing leaders here in Palestine and globally. In addition, to make nurses love their working area and intervene in compassion that let them stay in this field without leave or burnout. Finally, We will improve the network and make some kind of Lobbying in nursing filed and keep contacted with policymakers and figures in Palestine who could support Nursing.


Sidra Medicine

There are 25 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Hamad Medical Corporation

There are 330 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

First Leadership Development Programme TBC Second Leadership Development Programme I am nurse and a midwife with 22 years experience from UK and now in Doha, state of Qatar. We have implemented the 1st midwifery led service in qatar women hospital. This service was further expanded with the implementation of 1st midwifery led antenatal and intrapartum services. My role as the national clinical lead for midwifery, The Qatar National health strayer, healthy women leading to healthy pregnancy; developing and strengthening midwifery services plan showcase the vita role midwives play in enhancing health outcomes for women and newborns. We plan complete nation wide survey, with the findings informing the communication plan to raise the profile of the profession at national level. This will include, national media, social media, national and international conferences and roadshow. We are confident we will raise the profile of the profession and strengthen the midwifery services across the country.

Saudi Arabia

Abha Psychiatric Hospital

There are 150 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


There are 145 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Pride in the profession, dedication to work, increased passion and competition, improved skills through evidence-based continuous education and clinical research, enhanced cooperation, motivation and support of leaders, increase nursing satisfaction

King Abdullah Medical City

There are 13 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

King Abdullah Medical City - Nursing Affairs believe in investing of future in Saudi nurses leaders, Executive Administration of Nursing affairs development plan for at least 13 New Saudi Nurse Leaders and provide them with developmental leadership program which includes but not limited to: - Master Degree in Hospital Administration - for the second year 2019, 5 Nurses enrolled with a full scholarship from the hospital - Strategic Execution Certificate - 2 Staff Enrolled - CPHQ training - 6 staff Enrolled Creating a new Mentorship Program at Nursing Affairs to support all newly assigned nursing leaders and continue to engage staff nurses in Nursing Internal Committees and councils to promote leadership abilities for our staff


Jamhuriya University Science and Technology

There are 30 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Kalkaal pharmacy

There are 4 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


Al Zahra hospital

There are 1000 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.


There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

higher colleges of technology

There are 6 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Dubai Police Health Center

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

1- Arranging the meetings with people who is having an influence in the society and with people who are famous in nursing. 2- Cooperate with different departments such as the human resources to provide courses on leadership and management and establish group self-learning about leadership management. 3- Engage the non- healthcare professional to undertake training in a skill. 4- Provide a volunteering program for the nurses in different sections such as, home care centers, autism centers, cancer centers, special need centers…etc. 5- Delegate a leadership task from the administration to the participants and assign monitor for each one to evaluate the improvement. 6- Establish DAISY award initiative to improve nursing satisfactions and rewarding excellent nursing care providing to patient. 7- Preceptor program for the students nurses from different collages. 8- Open Day for ALL health center staff to introduce Nightingale Challenge program as part of marking

Medcare Hospital & Medical Centers

There are 175 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The programme is a 6 month learning journey focusing on: leadership in the 21st century, global and cultural perspectives, power in leadership, leading teams, leaders vs managers: authentic leadership and understanding finance. The participants will be engaging in work-based projects with a final opportunity to shadow a Chief Nursing Officer for 7 days at the end of the 6-month journey.

Medcare Women and Children Hospital

There are 100 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Implement strategies for empowerment, advocacy, productive work environment for maximum job and client satisfaction. Design an infrastructure where the nurses voice can be heard. Empowering nurses to possess high effective conflict resolution skills, understand nursing ethics and maintain open communication with healthcare team, by implementing quality indicators at workplace. Create new leadership dynamics for personal and professional growth.

Royal Health Group

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Specific competencies, personal and professional plans of development

Mediclinic Middle East Management Services FZ LLC

There are 200 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

Mediclinic Middle East will be announcing our participation at our Mediclinic Nursing and Midwifery Conference on the 9th January 2020. Dr. Sumaya Mohamed Abbas lead for Nursing Now in the UAE will be the keynote speaker at this event. The theme of the conference will be Nursing Now - 2020 Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, with session themes of Nursing and Midwifery “A Voice to Lead”, Clinical Outcomes and Patient Safety in Nursing, and Emerging Trends in Nursing and Midwifery. Nurse Leaders in the organisation will be awarded certificates from Harvard Business School for the training undertaken in Harvard Manage Mentor. Mediclinic Middle East is participating in the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi Initiative of the Next Generation Nurse, and have nominated 17 Registered Nurses to join in this initiative. We will be submitting a list of participants for the Nightingale Challenge and events planned early in January 2020.

NMC Healthcare

There are 75 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

First Leadership Development Programme Monthly activities will include engaging Franklin Covey for a leadership programme; providing education and training on financial and efficiency skills, including productivity and reducing waste; communication for action and persuasion; emotional intelligence, compassion and resilience; competency, models of Nursing and leadership skills; research, literature review and presentation skills; medico-legal considerations, culture of safety, towards zero harm and “getting it right first time” concepts; the year will culminate with participants developing a “knowledge into action” quality improvement project. Finally, we are producing a Nursing conference for International Nurses’ and Midwives’ Day. Second Leadership Development Programme TBC

Kings College Hospital Dubai

There are 20 nurses / midwives enrolled in this programme.

The King’s Leadership Development Programme is a blended learning approach. The programme will facilitate management of a quality improvement for each participant by providing: ● A King’s Leadership programme workbook based on the NHS leadership framework principles tailored to develop leadership skills and behaviors. ● Classroom based teaching on leadership. ● ‘King’s leadership profiler’ is an opportunity participant to shadow 1:1 an executive team member, healthcare leader or business leader. ● Attendance to ‘leadership diaries’ seminars in which a senior healthcare leader or business leader shares their triumphs and challenges on their leadership journey. ● Action learning set ● Mentoring sessions